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JoinedPosts by educ8self
We are free to love
by purplesofa inwhat i have noticed since pulling away from group thinking, mindsets, rules and superstitions, that i am open to a broader range of loving people.. i am not sure i can blame all this on the jw expericance.
as children we are taught from our tribe, (family and enviroment, church, school, extended family, neighborhood..........who to love and who not to love.
i used to believe as the witnesses taught, you have to "beat" the evil out of children.. have you ever watched a group of small children unattended?
We are free to love
by purplesofa inwhat i have noticed since pulling away from group thinking, mindsets, rules and superstitions, that i am open to a broader range of loving people.. i am not sure i can blame all this on the jw expericance.
as children we are taught from our tribe, (family and enviroment, church, school, extended family, neighborhood..........who to love and who not to love.
i used to believe as the witnesses taught, you have to "beat" the evil out of children.. have you ever watched a group of small children unattended?
I was thinking about that same point of being intellectually free, too. It's funny how some people only understand law, which is not free by its very nature - do this, don't do that. But being open minded and open hearted is something completely different. I suppose it is just impossible for some people to understand at a given point in time.
"Anti Christ" on video!
by TLK inof course he is an impostor but well worth checking it out though.
"Anti Christ" on video!
by TLK inof course he is an impostor but well worth checking it out though.
More interesting is the group dynamic with this kind of reverse authoritarian attitude. No sin, do what you like - who wouldn't like that? But why go following someone with that belief system, that's the question. Clearly someone like this still exerts power over the followers, the thing most people remain ignorant of is how their minds are influenced. So you end up listening to some canned recording with them (oh but with much more feeling I'm sure) rather than having a real conversation about anything. Wooo, you accept your instinctual nature and you're excited about it, you even have a religion about it - whop-dee-doo.
We are free to love
by purplesofa inwhat i have noticed since pulling away from group thinking, mindsets, rules and superstitions, that i am open to a broader range of loving people.. i am not sure i can blame all this on the jw expericance.
as children we are taught from our tribe, (family and enviroment, church, school, extended family, neighborhood..........who to love and who not to love.
i used to believe as the witnesses taught, you have to "beat" the evil out of children.. have you ever watched a group of small children unattended?
Why do Elders pay me a visit only when the C.O. and D.O. are in town?
by RULES & REGULATIONS ini have been inactive in service for about 4 years and attend only 3 meetings per month.
the elders pretty much leave me alone.
visit the congregation,they somehow have a little more interest in me .. who brings up my name for the visit?
Honestly, Were You An Ass Kisser?
by minimus into get ahead, did you get do more during the circuit overser's visit to make an impression?
did you cook him a meal or take him out dining??
did you auxillary pioneer when he came by?
Why do Elders pay me a visit only when the C.O. and D.O. are in town?
by RULES & REGULATIONS ini have been inactive in service for about 4 years and attend only 3 meetings per month.
the elders pretty much leave me alone.
visit the congregation,they somehow have a little more interest in me .. who brings up my name for the visit?
Stay Alive to '75 - MP3 Talk
by AlphaOmega ini have been e-mailed another watchtower talk .
it is the famous "stay alive 'to 75" talk by charles sunutko given in 1967.. it is entitled "serving with everlasting life in view" (final spring 1967 sheboygan, wisconsin).
it has left witnesses that i played it to silent.
Theocratic disco anyone?
Whether youre a brother or whether youre a mother,
Youre stayin alive, stayin alive.
Feel the city breakin and everybody shakin,
And were stayin alive, stayin alive.
Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin alive, stayin alive.
Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin alive.
Life goin nowhere. somebody help me.
Somebody help me, yeah.
Life goin nowhere. somebody help me, yeah.
Im stayin alive. -
Did Jesus come to save Satan and other sinners?
by LouisVILE Slugger indid jesus come to save satan and other honest admitted sinners?.
or hypocrites and liars who are successful at covering up their sins and crimes to those who follow and look to them for guidance?.
what happens if satan is forgiven..who will everyone blame for their problems and shortcomings then?
It's funny how Christians today are all consumed with being saved, whereas it has been pointed out that line "Ave Imperator, morituri te salutant!" symbolizes a spiritual death. So on the one hand it's basically about self-interest in saving yourself through behavioral modification and "works" like preaching/copying and pasting, whereas the other is about losing yourself and becoming a spiritually transformed individual. If the latter is actually following in Jesus footsteps in keeping with the premise of Christianity, these so-called Christians obsessed with individual salvation is actually going in the opposite direction.