It does make sense from a spiritual point of view, here is what I mean: If the majority of people on here does not recognize there is any such thing as spirituality, or if their idea of such is so far removed from the JW one, then it couldn't be recognized in the same way as the JWs would view it. Yes it may be reinterpreted based on your current view, but then that's just another view - unless we can actually comment to the effect of what actually happend regardless of the perspective (or story, including psych theory) you view it from.
In any case, the main theme amongst ex-JWs seems to be they know what they are NOT, so in terms of who they ARE and how that experience fits into it, it would of course still be a work in progress, in spite of the obvious tendancy to disidentify with that past identity. (which is, of course a way of being defined by it - as it's opposite) For that matter, if someone is completely absorbed in an interpretation of their life story, they will not see who they are now, without any story. Being without a story (an interpretation/rationalization of past events) is actually being free from it.
edited to add:
I guess I should really say being free from any story, rather than the JW one in favor of another. But whatever floats your boat.