Interesting how there were no replies to this one, aside from it being a bit long it may indicate how literal minded most people are.
I do think there's meaning in dreams, I've been in situations in a group facilitated by people who really know their stuff, and although I can't interpret it on the fly with the little information I have (not knowing anyone in the group) I can follow the logic of suggested interpretations.
The few dreams I remember are pretty short and usually I know or have a good sense of what they mean, so they don't really make good stories. I haven't looked into it, but I doubt the common interpretations found in popular books like this means that is really the way to understand it. No doubt it depends on the activity, what happens rather than which characters and objects are involved as they will take on different meaning depending on the context - both of the dream and of your life, including things like having been a JW.