Why oh Why would anyone really care about the official WT position on marriage after death?!? Don't we have enough information about what positions are approved by WT during marriage before death already?
official position.....oompa
i remember being really turned off to the idea that if you died before or during armageddon and had to be resurrected, then you couldn't get married and god would take away your sex drive.
is there an offical teaching on this?
Why oh Why would anyone really care about the official WT position on marriage after death?!? Don't we have enough information about what positions are approved by WT during marriage before death already?
official position.....oompa
i've tried to be nice about it, perhaps i'm just a little too nice when dealing with her.
ok, my ex-fiancee started blowing up my phone again and leaving voicemails.
i considered changing my number weeks ago but changed my mind when her calls stopped but i might need to consider it now.
RF you have had a lot of advice to take action- restraining order...certified letter...totally ignore. I propose honey instead of vinegar. Any of the items mentioned so far could make things worse, esp. restraining orders for the mentally disturbed! I recall a Scripture about heaping fiery coals on someone by being nice, or something like that. It would probably really yank her chain if you showed concern, interest, and tried to wean her off, not that you have any reason to.
just a thought....oompa
the jews were required to sacrifice and report to the high priest for forgiveness of sins.
but what was the benefit?
the jews get the same ressurection as everyone else.
And why don't hardcore Jew's, like Hasidic still do this. By the way, I saw an interesting documentary on Hasidic and they think they are the only "real" Jews, just like Witnesses think we are the only "real" Christians!
what a world....oompa
onthewayout has a current thread about a slow fade, and i have read many others that are similar.
i do not understand how fading slowly vs. fading very quickly has any different consequences.
and i mean whether an elder or pioneer or not.
Dreamer, that is what I meant about elders actions, either they call early or later, with me I had not been in service for over a year, after being a reg. pioneer once and a reg. publisher for 40 years, and NOBODY, elder or CO has EVER even brought it up! Amazing.
maybe if i stopped the contributions??......oompa
my dad put up with a lot of crap from the jw's when my mom divorced him and took us kids away.
so when he got the chance he would mess with them at the door.
my favorite question he asked 2 sisters when they came.. "if the bible says a wife is to give her husband his due, then do you have relations with your husband because you love him or because the bible says to?".
Still in, but do not live in my territory. Two sisters show up that are a FINE looking mom and teen daughter. I express interest, invite them into living room, and get my KJ. My house is nice, cool, they are happy and anxious to start sharing scriptures. After a couple, I tell them I think I have some of their books in my study down this way. It has a wall of books, more like a library, and I pull down a couple. "yes those are our books, have you studied?". "A little" I told them as I sat them at the computer desk, CLOSED the door and put my chair in front of it as I sat down! I started talking very monotone and really staring into their eyes, and you could see fear/confusion taking over. I had some serious thought provoking questions, but I think all they could think of was what were they doing in this strangers house with no easy way out of this room. That pretty much screws up their reasoning ability, but believe me I had their attention, and got some good points across about the NWT and the name Jehovah. I would not be surprised if these sisters NEVER go into another house, maybe not in service again.
glad am a nice guy....oompa
my guess is probably not, or if they were they weren't that much of a jw or their perspective isn't so relevant to jw thought - i trust those that have been out a while understand what i mean, hindsight and all.
what i'd like to do is draw out a contrast that some may have by way of their personal experience, maybe a "worldly person" or other non-jw that is an example of someone that has a great and helpful perspective on life, vs. the jw one.
there may be people from this board, but i think even a specific telling moment with a simple thing could be good or even better.
I really thought I met one but then he dissapeard into his own smoke.
My Dad is a freakin Vulcan of WT, all logic mixed with sincereity.
He is gonna be tough......oompa
i met a childhood friend recently and he told me with nostalgia that he recalled the childhood days as being very pleasant.
i told him they would be since we were living under the protection of our parents who took care of all our needs and we had no worries about anything.
it would be like paradise.
I miss playing hours of basketball and football, esp with my young teenage boys and sometimes kicking their butt. I miss weeklong backpacking trips on the Applachian Trail. Yeah, I used to be in great shape, and getting old sucks!!
it sucks I tell you.....oompa
onthewayout has a current thread about a slow fade, and i have read many others that are similar.
i do not understand how fading slowly vs. fading very quickly has any different consequences.
and i mean whether an elder or pioneer or not.
OntheWayOut has a current thread about a slow fade, and I have read many others that are similar. I do not understand how fading slowly vs. fading very quickly has any different consequences. And I mean whether an Elder or pioneer or not. Especially if someone is depressed (and most of us are in this outfit), then why not just say you have been feeling low and that you really don't know what to believe anymore? And of course you can't go in service in this condition as you would feel like a hypocrite, and the same for giving talks, just too tough for you at this time. This dosen't knock anyone else's belief, and may even resonate with others in the congregation. Doubt Happens! The exact same actions should occur from the elders/congregation: encouragement offered, calls you have been missed etc. If probing questions are asked, what is wrong with just saying your having a tough time right now but really cant talk about it?
I quit going in service over a year ago. My cong. privliges just went away without me asking, and even stopped getting school assignments without asking! Then I started making just one meeting a week for my wife, then could only take 2 a month, and now am at one or less a month. I did not plan this, it just happened, but I think the elders actions were the same with me stopping service all at once, instead of trickling down. Am I missing something here?
unplanned fade.....oompa
i ask this with serious intent.. evolutionary imperative?
Due to a combination of strong sexual urge mixed with total stupidity
never ending job....oompa
i have been reading this board for a year now, so i'm not new, but new to posting :)
please let me apologize in advance as i am having trouble separating what is true - from what i hear at the meetings, vs here, and private research, so i may ramble or say things that may sound watchtowery.
i still go to the meetings due to family pressure which may eventually end, not sure when, probably when i decide its enough.
You can pray all you want to want to for forgiveness, which is funny cause you say you feel guilty just thinking about these biblical points. Lose the guilt already until you do something REALLY worthy of feeling guilt, otherwise it is not healthy! Read a little more it the old testament and you will see God is going to do what suits him whenever he feels like it. He killed lots of innocent jews just for being near somone who actually did something bad. when he wiped out cities, he took the women and kids with the bad guys. If you really are sorry about something, just assume the worst.....that God is probably going to kill you anyway, but hey, he can also make things right again someday if he wakes you back up. That is way mass death is no big deal to God, death just does mean the same to him as it does to us.
As far as the preaching thing, who on earth can prove they are 100% correct in their understanding of the Bible? Even JW's admit we are imperfect and make mistake so why the hell would you spread a possible truth/untruth with anyone. And can anyone prove this bible of ours is error free? hardly. the less said to others the better/safer.
my 2cents.....oompa