I thought the BIGGIE was to not play "Another One Bites the Dust" and maybe "Stairway To Heaven" backwards on an LP.
plus it is damn hard to do.....oompa
were there any "wordly" songs you weren't allowed to sing as a child?.
two that come to mind:.
land down under by men at work -- my mom thought that they were talking about "hell" .
I thought the BIGGIE was to not play "Another One Bites the Dust" and maybe "Stairway To Heaven" backwards on an LP.
plus it is damn hard to do.....oompa
my husband and i have been inactive for almost 8 months.
we haven't gone to a meeting and slowly our jw friends have stopped associating with us because we're "weak".
at some point, we'll be celebrating holidays.
i watched an episode of greys anatomy last night, which featured a 23 year old girl, who had come from an armish family, and was dying of cancer.
she and a friend had left home at 16 and now that she was dying she wanted to go home to her family.
she could still talk to her family because she had not been baptised and therefore not shunned and her friend was shunned because she left after she was baptised.. now, as a non american, i don't know a whole lot about the armish, except what i have seen on movies and tv, but the similarity between the jws and the armish or puritans struck me last night.
I was really hoping this was about an already arranged wrestling match! I would like a Hasidic Jew and a Nun in the ring as well.
PPV would be good....piledriver...oompa
e-mailing back and forth for days about the qb, and he only told me today that he had not even noticed anything new or different about this material until i had brought it up.
he says it would be "absurd" to think the fds mean all literature and web sites other than the wt ones are not to be used for anything, but that the context of the article needs to be taken into consideration.
that the context is key.
AuldSoul:Well, to be fair, they HAVE endorsed false prophecies ... and Miracle Wheat ... and the existence of both glass and wood atoms ... and air baths ... and a religion that deceptively claims to be Bible based.
Ha HA HA too funny Auld, wish I had thought to say that at the time!
Then it was question box time. Was handled ok without any great drama. Just basically saying the the GB does not endorse private group study and nor does it endorse get togthers on the net and own web sites, have enough spiritual food provided by the FDS why waste time getting into things that leave us with more questions and can wreak our faith. Basically if we need to get deeper in study we can go to the insight book or other publications. All these studies and private chat without the FDS endorment just causes divisions and the next step is apostacy.
Fresia, too boring! Don't tell me NOBODY asked why the change from not viewing just Apostate stuff, to the FDS not approving "ANY" other literature/websites. Was it just a normal boring part or was there any buzz?
Unique 1: Sounds like your dad will present it in a balanced manner since your discussion. Most elders would not.
Actually Unique, I think he is going to try and gloss over this like it is no big deal; nothing new. And he HOPES nobody asks any questions about it. He laughed when I told him I may be there to do so.
I also think Doubing Bro has nailed it. I am afraid most elders are going to try and balance it, tone it down. Nobody wants to queston anything, make waves. Nobody "in" wants to admit that their leaders would take away such baisic freedoms as GENERAL PUBLIC INFORMATION! Only cults do that, and who in 6 million would ever want to believe they are in a cult.
I sure didn't....oompa
i asked my jw friend today why witnesses shun people including family.
he said that the people here (this blog) are all posessed by the devil and that they certainly do not practice this.
i said it would be very juvenile if they did.
Where are all the demons anyway? They were all over the place in Jesus day. If there are possesd people here it seems our loving brothers would log on, find em, and expell those demons just like the first century Christians did. we do follow their lead.
back to my ouiji board.....oompa
my husband and i have been inactive for almost 8 months.
we haven't gone to a meeting and slowly our jw friends have stopped associating with us because we're "weak".
at some point, we'll be celebrating holidays.
Re: Re: What exactly can I get disfellowshipped for?
Dang I was looking forward to offering to show you a few things you can get DF'd for until you posted about being married, and kids, and Christmas.
spoiled my dirty old man fun....oompa
thomas ususally gets the nod, because he got stuck with the nickname, doubting thomas.
but all he did was want better id of this new body jesus.
yes the holes in his body helped quell the doubts.. but peter.
Thomas ususally gets the nod, because he got stuck with the nickname, Doubting Thomas. But all he did was want better ID of this new body Jesus. Yes the holes in his body helped quell the doubts.
But Peter. Peter was out walking on the freaking top of the water! I think he saw Jesus and said hey can I come on over, and even though he actually doin it, he freaked out, got afraid, doubted he could really do it and started to sink.
My vote goes to Peter as the Greatest Doubter, my hero...oompa
i stopped going to meetings over a year ago as i'm a lesbian and have finally accepted it.
i was a witness for 22 years, since i was born.
now i missed my friends at the hall at first, but now i have some amazing new friends that love me no matter what.
Faundy, my sister who was also raised in the truth is lesbian, and even married to her girlfriend of many years. Since I have "awakened" recently, our relationship has really picked up. However, I noticed you said the elders are looking to give you some grief. You are still young and attractive. Do you have a grievence against any of the Elders? You can of course dodge everyone, come out and tell them where to go, or.....you could ask to meet with them.
You could just tell them you are really depressed and confused because the PO touched you inappropiately when you where a little girl and you are just now able to talk about it!!!!! Or name any other friggin elder you have a beef with! I have a feeling you would be given a LOT of space from then on.
let them squirm for a change...oompa
ps-good luck and best wishes
the book study is one of the most useless meetings.
the same books have been studied 3 or 4 times.the meeting takes only an hour but takes up most of your evening.
and, it is one of the least attended meetings.. why haven't they combined the watchtower study with just question and answer and then follow with the book study with just question and answer?
I certainly hope not. The BS (gosh what a fit) allows the same 3 people to really hone their commenting skills. Also, brothers who can barely read can spend years improving their abilities in BS groups, so that they then can slaughter the WT reading. Conductors need to arrange little groups into car groups before attempting to organize the MASSIVE crowds gathering for the Sunday Witness work.
what would we do without it....oompa
i've done a lot of bad things when i was in high school, i remember one time in 9th grade, my friends and i ditched school, went to the local mcdonalds, we were hanging out in the parking lot smoking, when this station wagon pulls up, a bunch of jw's out in service, and my mom is with them!
so funny now that i look back but back then i thought well this will be the last time i ever see my friends.
ok what are some of your bad little jw stories.
12th grade, me and my two school buddies drank a bunch of wine at lunch and got plastered, one of them owned a small store, so what do we do? Pick up a bottle of Blue Nun and bring it back to 7th period, and continue to drink in class! Not the brightest idea.
Oh, and was doing fireworks in a field with a brother buddy, and he set it on fire along with many acres of nearby woods. Ran like hell.
ah those were the days...oompa