A buddy from another hall called me this morning about his meeting. We talked ahead of time about it and asked for his thoughts on how the material is reviewed. The entire talk and comments were slanted that these groups must have in mind being "critical" of the Society, that these ones "think they are smarter/better than us", that they were "apostate leaning." He agreed with me that the article says nothing about their motive being bad. Motive is not mentioned. The conductor did have the balls to read the FDS statement about not endorsing things. He said the Society sometimes has trouble wording things just right because they are trying to speak to the masses.
I said, "Bull$hit, we have had tons of articles that mention guarding against apostate leanings and bad motives and it would have been easy to indicate that in this article. It is funny that what the FDS has said is in black and white, and nobody wants to really admit what it says. The gist of this article is so simple, independant groups are discouraged, researching ANY information other than produced by WT is discouraged, and only WT publications are recommended for study.
He also agreed that this is one of the main reasons college is discouraged, knowledge is out there, not just bad association.
this is plain as day.....oompa