It does not have to get worse. If it only stays the same, life is miserable for all but the absolute most happy/holy ones of the bunch, and those mentally disturbed (which is a boatload). Has much really changed as far as how we are to think and what we are to do? OK yes, now we can't smoke, and DF started..I forget when, but life was easier before, plus you could smoke. Now though, at least we can all partake at the memorial, and I was never even given that option growning up (anointed still being called). If we could just get one publisher worldwide to bring a good sharp knife to the memorial, we could take out every anointed in about 3 minutes, then the end would have to come (ok, sick humor).
You really need to stop turning in time, the world will not end. Then start missing one meet a week for just one month, the book study is perfect now, "the rev. book is starting to really bother me and I only want to climax with you dear." and guess what, the world will not end, and your wile and kids will get used to it quick.
Then, be bold, and miss the school/service meeting. You don't need to go because you are not giving talks anymore or going in service and it bothers you that you can't ever graduate anyway. The world will not end, and now your wife will start missing more meetings than you can believe, at least mine is. Seeing me on Sunday morning sipping coffee on the deck, reading the paper, a touch of fall in the air, ahhhh "bye honey, have a good meeting."....hell yes part of me is sad when she goes, but she is going less!
Now your down to only one meeting to dispose of, and I still try to go to one or two a month for my wife. I wish I could tell you there were some in the hall I really wanted to see, but I swear, all those I ever hung with have moved anyway. I have almost nothing in common with 95% of the cong.
OK- I just Read several of your early post and I don't know how old your kids are or how many you have. How long have you been married and how hardcore is your wife? Hopefully if you guys ever got chicky chicky wow wow before marriage, she will remember that she does not HAVE to do everything by the book.
Good Luck, it ain't easy.....oompa