How bad can it get?

by TooBad TooSad 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • TooBad TooSad
    TooBad TooSad

    At the Watchtower study Sunday a comment was made that "we must stop focusing our efforts and energies

    on this old dying system and focus our energies on life in paradise so near at hand." Of course there

    were many nodding heads in full agreement with this tid bit of insanity. Why don't they just kill themselves

    and wait for the resurrection? All that we have for sure is our lifes today. The witnesses are not living their

    lives but are just waiting for the minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, and decades to pass so that they can

    step over the dead bodies of 99.9% of the earths population to bask in the wonderful new paradise. There is no guarantee

    that anyone will be in a paradise earth. To focus our energies and efforts on something that is not even here,

    even though it has been promised for nearly a hundred years, just shows how brainwashed the JW's are.

    Something else I have wondered about is why is it that we can see so clearly what the Watchtower Society

    really is all about while the die hard witnesses think that the governing body is the direct mouth piece of God?

    At the bookstudy last week the comment was made that "Jehovah seems to wait for the summer district

    assemblies to give us his special messages." I can't take it, the meetings are making me physically ill.

    How I pray to God that my family will see the truth about the truth so that I can stop the charade that I

    am in.

  • Awakened07

    Something else I have wondered about is why is it that we can see so clearly what the Watchtower Society really is all about while the die hard witnesses think that the governing body is the direct mouth piece of God?

    When I was active, I never searched for info from outside the society, and there were a lot of things about it's past I didn't know about. For instance, the only years I had heard of when it came to 'prophecy' of Armageddon, were 1914 and 1975, and 1975 was not the WTS's fault...

    Russel and pyramidology? Yeah, right - never heard of it, and if I had, I wouldn't have believed it. 607 only being taught by JWs? Well - I knew about that one more or less, but when you believe all the other 'evidence' (yeah, right) proves that the WTS is right, you tend to believe them in this as well.

    I could go on and on. Most of what I've read here, I never knew about. Just a couple of months before I came here, I would feel guilty or a little bit afraid of simply doing a Google search for Jehovah's Witnesses, because of what I might find. If I did find some 'apostate' material or websites, I would quickly "run away", as I "knew" they were lies (since the WTS were right).

    It's a total brainwash. Actually - it was a gag while I was still in: "Yes, we know we're brainwashed, but it's better to have a clean brain than a filthy one." Ha ha...

    If people asked me 'why don't you think for yourself?' I wouldn't really understand the question, because as I saw it, I was thinking for myself. It's just that all the thinking was with the wrong premise. Like if a mathematician was brainwashed into thinking 2+2=5, he could be a brilliant mind, but his calculations would be wrong (a bad analogy really, but it gets the point across). "Shit in - shit out" as the saying goes.

  • lavendar

    Hi TB TS,

    Isn't it so SAD how gullible they are? They just swallow whatever is taught to them hook, line & sinker.

    As Rev. Wilbur Lingle (book: Approaching Jehovah's Witnesses in Love) said, " As I think of the word “truth”, I think of something that has been proven and therefore can never change". But, SO MANY of the WTS's teachings have changed. How can they say "I'm in the Truth"......and really believe it deep down in their hearts??

    I pray, too, that your family sees the REAL TRUTH well as my son (who's being duped into this cult).


  • 4digitcode

    if the meetings make you physically ill you should try by all means to fade out.

    i developped panic attacks while a JW because of the insanity i felt of all i was hearing and that was going on. I told one of my friend in the hall " why do i feel brainwashed?" and she replied cause you probably are.....very odd indeed that she would say that.

    but anyways just before leaving i started developing an anxiety disorder feeling dizzy and sweating during the talks especially when it regarded persecution.

    now i have to make special efforts to not let anxiety take over where before it was something i didnt' suffer from.

    i may have been so affected because i believed in it so much. where it seems you don't at all. But i would still say that your having to put up with this poisons your mind because you have to waste precious time parading and teaching people something that is untrue and dangerous. That plays on your conscience and acts adversely on your psyche.

    What are your thoughts on this?

  • Meeting Junkie No More
    Meeting Junkie No More

    All too true...

    I think most of these meeting attenders are in a vortex where all they see and hear and focus on is the new system to the exclusion of any other reality. One of the best things to happen to many, I believe, is to actually miss a few meetings allowing your head to clear and then looking at things through a different lens. In my own case, the more meetings I missed, the more ridiculous the ones I attended actually began to sound. No wonder there were so many meeting parts devoted to admonitions about centering our entire lives around meeting times, assemblies, 'special' assembly days, etc.etc. ad nauseum. Couldn't agree with your comments's all too bad, too sad. Wish I had a solution, though!

  • oompa

    It does not have to get worse. If it only stays the same, life is miserable for all but the absolute most happy/holy ones of the bunch, and those mentally disturbed (which is a boatload). Has much really changed as far as how we are to think and what we are to do? OK yes, now we can't smoke, and DF started..I forget when, but life was easier before, plus you could smoke. Now though, at least we can all partake at the memorial, and I was never even given that option growning up (anointed still being called). If we could just get one publisher worldwide to bring a good sharp knife to the memorial, we could take out every anointed in about 3 minutes, then the end would have to come (ok, sick humor).

    You really need to stop turning in time, the world will not end. Then start missing one meet a week for just one month, the book study is perfect now, "the rev. book is starting to really bother me and I only want to climax with you dear." and guess what, the world will not end, and your wile and kids will get used to it quick.

    Then, be bold, and miss the school/service meeting. You don't need to go because you are not giving talks anymore or going in service and it bothers you that you can't ever graduate anyway. The world will not end, and now your wife will start missing more meetings than you can believe, at least mine is. Seeing me on Sunday morning sipping coffee on the deck, reading the paper, a touch of fall in the air, ahhhh "bye honey, have a good meeting."....hell yes part of me is sad when she goes, but she is going less!

    Now your down to only one meeting to dispose of, and I still try to go to one or two a month for my wife. I wish I could tell you there were some in the hall I really wanted to see, but I swear, all those I ever hung with have moved anyway. I have almost nothing in common with 95% of the cong.

    OK- I just Read several of your early post and I don't know how old your kids are or how many you have. How long have you been married and how hardcore is your wife? Hopefully if you guys ever got chicky chicky wow wow before marriage, she will remember that she does not HAVE to do everything by the book.

    Good Luck, it ain't easy.....oompa

  • TooBad TooSad
    TooBad TooSad

    Dear 4digitcode,

    I would not dream of teaching people the beliefs of J.W.'s. I only attend meetings to keep my marriage and

    not to lose some of my children. I do not comment at meetings and I do not attend all of them but I do turn in

    about 5 hours a month of bogus field service time to keep the elders off of my back. If the elders did talk to me

    about why I am not reaching out, I am affraid that I would not be able to keep my composure and tell them what

    I really believe. We all know what the outcome of that would be.

    When I think back in time when I had family studies with my children and wife, and I was an elder, I often thought that

    something just doesn't feel right about what I believe. When a visting Bethel elder told me in confidence some of the

    things that were taking place in Bethel (in the 80's) I guess that was the beginning of my desire to learn more of what was really

    going on in Brooklyn. Once you begin to learn the truth about the truth you can not stop learning as you see

    your believe system unravel, your hopes for the "very near future" go up in flames, and the wasted years and marred

    childhood from being a JW pass before your eyes. It is painful and yet it feels good to be free or almost free.

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    "Why don't they just kill themselves and wait for the resurrection?"

    I have always thought that it was only a matter of time before a splinter group got this Idea in their heads.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    I always wondered about that, too. Just plead insanity and kill themselves. Easy trip to paradise. Unless...their faith is not up to par and they don't trust the resurrection...hmm...

  • TooBad TooSad
    TooBad TooSad

    Oompa, thanks for your sincere comments. It is so sad that the only people,

    other than my family, that I feel close to are people that I have never met, but I feel

    like I know all of you so well.


    TooBad TooSad

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