I've had brothers in the perm. construction teams say to me recently, 'the amazing expansion is proof of jehovahs blessing on the organisation' ......
Hmm, and now what is being proved?
so when a building project starts then it's a sign of jehovah's blessing.. i hope a few note the irony and ask what it means regarding jehovah's blessing when worldwide construction projects already underway are cancelled or postponed..
I've had brothers in the perm. construction teams say to me recently, 'the amazing expansion is proof of jehovahs blessing on the organisation' ......
Hmm, and now what is being proved?
heard 4th-hand, but from a full-on believer, so not likely to be an "apostate lie":.
apparently, at bethel's morning worship this morning, it was announced that all worldwide wts construction is "suspended" for an indefinite time, except for the new world headquarters at warwick.. also, the "relocation" of remote translating teams is also suspended.. finally, there will be a "worldwide" reduction in bethel personnel.. all this came to me in a non-english language, and,as noted, 4th-hand.
so it is possible something may have been lost in translation and/or in the multiple steps between bethel morning worship & me.. but if true, it would be quite stunning.
They've got to be cash strapped because otherwise why make such an embarrassing announcement, maybe the spectre of financial redress to child abuse victims in Australia is hitting home, plus the US suits coming online?
Anyway, just took a quick look and there's confusion and dissent on jw talk :
It was only in the May broadcast that Bro Lett spoke about the many expansion projects that are planned. The Britain branch project has been in the pipeline for a long time. Funds have been donated for the project, and many brothers are working there right now. Now is all that changing? And why close the dining rooms? Bethelites have to eat somewhere. What difference will it make to close the dining room? Don't understand these changes.
the letter that watchtower free put up was very interesting.
here is my impression.. the watchtower is becoming more and more geared towards idiots.
the midweek meeting has a stupid name, and the parts sound equally dumb.
october 4, 2015. to all congregations.
re: new provisions announced atannual meeting.
dear brothers:.
has anyone here gone nuclear on their spouse and, all of a sudden, came out in the open as a jw opposer?.
by this i mean, sitting them down and saying: i no longer want to be a jw anymore, do not want to go to meetings or preaching anymore!
and, what has happened in the relationship after that?.
Hi Sofia, just checking in....did you decide to 'go nuclear' yet or are you still treading on egg shells...
I feel for you, you're between a rock and a hard place....
my husband is for a change being quite understanding (at the moment) but I have this feeling like underneath it all he is thinking 'shes a demon possessed apostate'.......
Maybe he's trying to 'win me without a word' so maybe I'll finally get some good christian husband behaviour, now why didn't I think of that before?
october 4, 2015. to all congregations.
re: new provisions announced atannual meeting.
dear brothers:.
dont you just love knowing this stuff before your super zealous JW spouse... tee hee hee
now to tantalise him with 'big changes' coming up or not?
has anyone here gone nuclear on their spouse and, all of a sudden, came out in the open as a jw opposer?.
by this i mean, sitting them down and saying: i no longer want to be a jw anymore, do not want to go to meetings or preaching anymore!
and, what has happened in the relationship after that?.
Hi Sofia, I did..., I started by telling him I had serious doubts (6 months ago) i was genuinely upset about it all at the time, really I told him every step of my doubting and discoveries, child abuse, only 0.1% of the population will survive the big A, false predictions, UN membership, AMIII ridiculous talks.. etc etc... Until it got too much for him and he really told me in no uncertain terms that he doesn't want to hear or read anything negative about the org.
Since then I've naturally stopped f.s. and attending most meetings...
i think it helped that he saw the process happening, he tried to help, sat in on a shepherding call with me etc, he could see my doubts were very genuine and I wasn't just being 'rebellious', now he's not pressuring me or anything at all. I still believe in a non-jw way so I don't mind the odd prayer or bible based family study, I just don't go to the Kh most of the time. We do disagree about the kids though (associations) but they are old enough to make their own decisions and are happy that mom is being more relaxed about them going out now!
I have found with him and elders, friends etc that the 'confused and doubting' stance elicits more sympathy and understanding than the 'it's a load of BS' stance!!! Of course they'll try to 'help' you but you just kindly and respectfully ask them to leave it with you and Jehovah. They get busy with other stuff....
Overall I think it's better to be honest though, it's too much emotional and mental strain otherwise x
i was supposed to attend the meeting today, one of my once a month duties for the sake of my family and my fade.
i read the wt and i just can't stomach going.... what this wt does is again and again reiterate that only jws will survive the coming destruction and that they should be happy about this and raise ourselves erect...eg:.
we cannot expect that many people will suddenly convert to true christianity.
Great comments everyone...
Blondie, I agree that the more compassionate jws shut their minds to the reality of what their religion really teaches, I did so for 20 years, I've heard people say things like 'Rahab got her family for her faithfulness', 'Jehovah is the judge' etc. which is all very well but what is the actual official teaching? It is that you have to be associated with the congregation of Jw 'true believers' in order to survive and you have NO chance if your not (tell that to the population of Sudan). And there are quite a few JWs I know who relish that, like fmf said, making derogatory remarks when people don't respond in the ministry. I used to comfort myself with the thought that 'a vast mixed company' left Egypt with the Israelites, well today's wt confirms it 'we will not see a mass conversion....'
It's so hypocritical the way they counsel every now and then about how we should not judge others, that we should see the rafter in our own eye etc etc, but they only ever apply that to fellow jws, what they don't admit is that all witnesses are taught from young kids to judge and look down on non witnesses as 'Worldly', misled by satan and prime for adverse judgement.
For me the stats say it all, compare population growth to witness growth (it's about 700 baptized a day, to population growth (net of death) of 220,000 per day) and see how many extra children they say Jehovah has to destroy for every day that he shows 'patience'.
i was supposed to attend the meeting today, one of my once a month duties for the sake of my family and my fade.
i read the wt and i just can't stomach going.... what this wt does is again and again reiterate that only jws will survive the coming destruction and that they should be happy about this and raise ourselves erect...eg:.
we cannot expect that many people will suddenly convert to true christianity.
i was supposed to attend the meeting today, one of my once a month duties for the sake of my family and my fade.
i read the wt and i just can't stomach going.... what this wt does is again and again reiterate that only jws will survive the coming destruction and that they should be happy about this and raise ourselves erect...eg:.
we cannot expect that many people will suddenly convert to true christianity.
I was supposed to attend the meeting today, one of my once a month duties for the sake of my family and my fade. I read the wt and I just can't stomach going...
what this wt does is again and again reiterate that only Jws will survive the coming destruction and that they should be happy about this and raise ourselves erect...eg:
we cannot expect that many people will suddenly convert to true Christianity. Instead, it will be an opportunity for all true worshippers to prove their love for Jehovah and to support the anointed.
.......God’s people will boldly declare a strong message of judgment that will affect all people.
I literally feel like a panic attack, sickness at the thought of attending a meeting where the worshippers support the 'true hope' that 99.9% of all humanity will soon die, whose carcasses will be picked by birds! I can't believe I used to 'rejoice in the hope' when what it is really is a message of horrible death and destruction of innocent men, women and children.
i can't sit there and listen to people answer up excitedly that they are looking forward to their imminent deliverance when it means that their neighbors and their children can look forward to a horrible death.
does anyone else have a similar emotional reaction to this 'good news'?