I came in to the org. around 1990, we had a big influx then where I lived, we were all fired up with the generation will not pass away teaching. Firmly believed that the end was imminent and would come before the year 2000. I remember my study conductor telling me at 17, that she would be surprised if I reached 25, in fact she would be surprised if I reached 20 before Armageddon came. The gulf war came and we all thought it was a prelude to the end....
what astounds me now is the power of the mind control, just a few short years later they were changing this teaching and we lapped it up, content to be guided by the chosen ones into leaving our precious doctrines behind. Why did so few question? Honestly now I'm over the f.o.g it's mind control element of this religion which amazes me, it's fascinating and scary.