I agree with 'level theplayingfield' I don't think they'll be on the brink yet, but it is quite a turn around on the construction.
i wonder if they got some new financial gurus in (non yes-men) to do a financial health check and they said "whooooaaa boys you're going to get yourselves in a mess if you carry on like this"..... They try to boost donations but it doesn't work so they have to call a halt to most construction. It makes sense to push ahead with Warwick because then they'll be able to sell the remaining buildings in Brooklyn which will free up cash to probably save the day and enable the other construction to start again.
in the meantime they cut costs where they can, the financial guys have probably highlighted how expensive the bethels are and other unnecessary expenses (a knowledgable bro told me a few years back that the 'voluntary workers' are a LOT more costly than regular employees). they introduce some exciting changes at meetings, more emphasis on preaching to get everyone excited about the imminent end and hopefully they'll start donating more again!