yes how ironic. "test your alarm system":
"beep beep beep beep beep beep!! you are about to get sued, cover your asses quick...."
why won't watchtower tell abusers "i'm going to tell on you!
" and follow through with the proper authorities?
yes how ironic. "test your alarm system":
"beep beep beep beep beep beep!! you are about to get sued, cover your asses quick...."
did you know that job's family celebrated birthdays?
the word translated "his own day" at job 1:4 is the same word translated "day of his birth" in job 3:1. .
seems deceptive, does it not, to change that translation.
Nice post....I always found the birthday explanation hard to stomach and even harder to defend in 22 years a witness. I realise now that my 2 older kids missed out on a lot in not going to classmate's birthday parties. I actually think birthdays give children important lessons, giving someone else the prominence for the day, giving up a present you might like yourself, not being selfish, but knowing that your day will come around too. All this nonsense about birthdays glorifying creation etc is just complete CRAP. My big girl is 15 soon, she is going to absolutely revel in her first birthday.
hello and thanks to everyone for participating on this forum it has really been of much value, for those of you that post here know that your words are not lost you never know who is reading your expressions, lives are being changed and nonsense challenged.
i’m not much of a writer so excuse my untrained writing style and grammar but i want to share my story to help anyone who is visiting here to see that we are real people, fathers, mothers, sons and daughters who have come here for answers, there is no agenda, just searching for truth.
i hope my story will help others as so many here have helped me..
Great and moving account, thank you for sharing....
Its a shocker alright, I woke up about 8 months ago, I'm just coming out of the fog now, starting to enjoy life, but in the early days I felt physically sick and close to a breakdown. Regrets...., not worth thinking over, they just lead to depression and frustration - best to live life properly, for today and tomorrow and for us and our families, not for some self appointed delusional men on a powertrip. If I look back I wouldn't have got married as young as I did, would have had a better career, been closer to my non witness family, probably wouldn't have stayed married and endured abuse, but then I wouldn't have my 3 beautiful kids either. Life's as game of choices, just be glad you're making a good one now....
Oh and I loved you're 'off the hamster wheel' comment - yes it feels great!!!!!
i haven't been able to post much recently, just started a new job with long hours... but i'm thinking of you all and drop in when i can.
anyway i've been meaning to tell you about this because thought it would tickle some of you.... 5 months after my last meeting, i've just had two "kind and loving" 'come back' messages/cards from different people both using the same days text from dec. 31st which says: .
"it is not a desirable thing with my father who is in heaven for one of these little ones to perish" matt 18:14. jehovah cares deeply about all those who have expressed love for his name, even if they are not actively serving him at present.
I haven't been able to post much recently, just started a new job with long hours... but I'm thinking of you all and drop in when i can. Anyway I've been meaning to tell you about this because thought it would tickle some of you...
5 months after my last meeting, I've just had two "kind and loving" 'come back' messages/cards from different people both using the same days text from Dec. 31st which says:
"It is not a desirable thing with my father who is in heaven for one of these little ones to perish" Matt 18:14
Jehovah cares deeply about all those who have expressed love for his name, even if they are not actively serving him at present. (Luke 15:3-7) Are you among those who are not now actively serving God? Perhaps someone in the congregation hurt you and as a result you stopped associating with Jehovahs organization. Since some time may have passed, ask yourself "Is my life more meaningful and I am I happier? Was it Jehovah who offended me, or was it an imperfect human? Has Jehovah God ever done anything to harm me? Really, he has always done good toward us. Even if we are not living up to our dedication to him, he allows us to enjoy the good things he provides. (Jas 1:16,17). Soon Jehovahs day will come. Now is the time to return to our heavenly Father's loving arms and to the congregation - the only safe haven in these last days - Deut 33:27; Heb: 10,24,25 w 13 11/15 2:16,17
Both with riders very similar saying 'Jehovah is asking you to return to him....blah blah blah'
Now I've got to say these messages really p'd me off, despite the fact they were both from quite genuine, kind 'sisters' and former friends. Why so annoyed?
1. They assume they KNOW how God is feeling about me right now. How do they have the right to say how the Almighty God feels about me and what I am doing in my life? How do they presume to say he disapproves of me somehow?
2. Despite being couched in kind, innoffensive language, the theme scripture uses the word PERISH, and the last few words of the comments intimate that anyone is in danger if they are not in the JW congregation when the end comes. So in not so many words, they are saying, "come back dearly beloved sister otherwise we say you are going to DIE" (I guess that goes for my 2 kids who've left too).
So to summarise, if you don't follow 7 self-appointed men in Brooklyn and come back to their hierarchical, judgemental, critical, pharisaical, unloving, captive, child molester protecting, youth destroying, family splitting organisation - you are not in the Almighty God's goodbooks don't you know and the chances are you will be toast when HE brings the end of the world (or should I say you'll be a charred hotdog).
How sweet of them? Why wouldn't I want to go running back to the KH with such emotional blackmail ringing in my ears?
we've all been trying to decipher what is going on at the top of the watchtower organization.
clearly, the game's afoot, we just don't know what game we're playing.
item: the constant harping about money and donations.
A brother who is also a very successful businessman had some contacts and insight at bethel, 3 years ago he told me the inefficiencies were astonishing from a business point of view at NY bethel, with different departments not communicating properly Because of politics and egos, resulting in great waste. He was also the one to open my eyes to the fact that their "volunteer" bethel force was actually a great deal more costly to keep than normal employees are, hence the trend towards 'commuter' bethelites. If it has carried on in that vein, along with lawsuits pending in us and oz, decreased donations because of the general decline in publishing (the main motivation to donate was when you got some shiny new publication), then I think it is entirely feasible that they are in a mess financially.
I think the silver sword publication was an attempt to boost donations which it did according to the uk published figures, but it didn't go far enough. What next???
ok so most of you guys know already that i am going through the reinstatement process for my parents but i do have a partially sinister plan which i will not mention here since someone told me that there are b-lites that read boards like this.
last night and it was the funniest experience i have ever seen.
besides that the brother doing the sound and video screwed up the whole thing when showing the videos and it took 3 brothers to fix it after 10 minutes, the whole thing was a joke.
been there, seen the movie, bought the t-shirt - done all three!
still cringe at how i viewed the corporation's teachings as sacrosanct.
bite the bullet lurkers - treat your gangrenous thinking and begin your recovery.
So true....what excuses have I heard from jws about the bad press regarding child abuse:
"don't believe everything you read in the news"
"the victim is an apostate trying to cause trouble"
"they're just after money"
"Satan is using the press and the courts against us"
"apostate driven lies" ........
Please, use your God given critical thinking skills!
hello people.. i'm tired and a bit sick at the moment but i can't let anyone think that this is going to go away.... i am able to tell you a few things in order to prevent any confusion in the minds of those who are thinking that nothing will come of this arc;that nothing will effect the wtbts in america and other places.. i have been there and given my testimony.
helen milroy and her assistants were there along with another group of people who are there to lend assistance if you crack up at any time during or after the hearing.
i did not crack up but can see how this happens.. security is tight and anonymity is sacred to them as they want to protect all who come forward.
hello, this is my first post, i would like to introduce myself and say thank you to every one on this forum, you have been a lifeline to me these last few years.. i had been a jw for 30 years when i walked away a few years ago disgusted by the treatment victims of child abuse, domestic abuse and rape receive from the wtbts.. at first i thought it was a local problem, elders personal opinions, the way they handled the situations, imperfect men etc., until i checked out jehovahs witnesses and child abuse/domestic abuse online.
that's when i realized they had the same modus operandi worldwide.
that led me here, tbuo this forum, and then to crisis of conscience, jw facts, watchtower documents, jw survey, old watchtower literature and cd s, reading a couple of steve hassans books, and more recently exiting the jw cult.. the feelings of shock, betrayal, anger at the wtbts, angry with myself for being so gullible, depression, reflection, loneliness, have taken their toll.
i know marriage is tough and it takes work on both parts.
we have been together for 27 years.
the last eight have been involved with this cult.
Sorry for you.....I'm in a 'divided' home too, it sucks.
Thankfully he's mellowed a lot from the controlling, abusive jw husband he was, ironically I think me and the kids leaving the religion almost took the pressure off him a bit. He no longer has anything to do with the kids discipline at all, they won't take it from him, so he doesn't have to worry about trying to control them in the 'right' way according to jw rules. Also he is not in the running for privileges now we've all left, so he no longer has to try to reach out and agonise about what he is doing wrong and why he is being held back (he was an m.s. on and off but could never kiss-ass, his relationship with the hierarchy in the org put terrible strain on our marriage for years). The whole thing, his son refusing to speak to him, his precious good girl turning her back on the religion, etc has humbled him, he's trying to be kinder, I almost think he's trying to 'win me without a word'
But, like you it drives me crazy that he won't think critically about the org, he will never question it, despite the fact he's been treated like crap. He is hardly ever his authentic self, for example with the kids, he wouldn't watch my daughter in her first singing concert because it was at Xmas, he won't give them any lifts anywhere because they are meeting 'wordly friends' and it would 'compromise' him. So he's losing his relationship with both of them now. I swear I could show him irrefutable facts that the GB were child murderers and he wouldn't believe it.
You have to feel sorry for them really, fully mind controlled, they are missing out on a lot of good in life for the sake of 7 men in Brooklyn.
My advice is just lIve your life, if she gives you the silent treatment completely ignore it, go out and do something fun with your kids, come back and give her a big smile and offer her a cup of tea or something, like nothing whatsoever is wrong. Water off a ducks back..
For me he goes to the meeting, I sit on the couch with a glass of wine watching my favourite series, he goes on the ministry, I take my baby to soft play and chat with other mums. He sits around praying for daily needs, I go out and get a job. If he doesn't keep up, me and the kids will leave him behind, one way or another.