JoinedPosts by Tornintwo
Circuit Overseer Guidelines (tg-E) October 2015
by wifibandit incircuit overseer guidelines (tg-e) october 2015.
OMG speaker ratings.....secret meetings of the chosen few to establish the speaker ratings.....unbelievable!! No, of course there's no hierarchy in this wonderful loving organisation, we are all equal -
Some thoughts on guilt.
by New day inhad an interesting conversation with my wife recently.
she struggles with physical, emotional and psychological problems which have often caused her to miss meetings.
she mentioned how she is equally tortured by guilt if she misses meetings and ministry, and severe stress if she does them.
Counselling helped me more than meds, I had a lovely understanding counsellor, what helped the most is I could say anything to her without being judged for what I was saying which helped me sort my head out, whereas I had to be very guarded when speaking to any witnesses, including my husband, to not sound negative to the witness way of life and to my non believing family to not turn them against the witness religion that I loved. A fresh outside voice might also get through to her that she is putting herself under too much pressure, the witnesses are not so much against counselling now, maybe you can get away with suggesting it. -
Another generation....
by joey jojo init has been 21 years since the 1995 article that pretty much buried the idea of the '1914 generation'.. remember those guys?
the ones born in 1914 that would still be alive when the end of the system arrived.. i'm glad i'm old enough to remember going from door to door, preaching this belief.
the reason i say that is because i have a lot of 'still in' jw friends and family.
I came in to the org. around 1990, we had a big influx then where I lived, we were all fired up with the generation will not pass away teaching. Firmly believed that the end was imminent and would come before the year 2000. I remember my study conductor telling me at 17, that she would be surprised if I reached 25, in fact she would be surprised if I reached 20 before Armageddon came. The gulf war came and we all thought it was a prelude to the end....
what astounds me now is the power of the mind control, just a few short years later they were changing this teaching and we lapped it up, content to be guided by the chosen ones into leaving our precious doctrines behind. Why did so few question? Honestly now I'm over the f.o.g it's mind control element of this religion which amazes me, it's fascinating and scary.
So... Are they done printing the number of partakers?
by thedepressedsoul induring the wt study yesterday i had a confused look on my face the whole meeting.
more of a, wtf, face.
one paragraph says, "therefore,the number of partakers does not accurately indicate the number of anointed ones left on earth.".
Explaining the JW memorial: only the anointed can partake at the memorial - but some who do partake won't be actually proper anointed ones - they are just mentally unstable - but we don't know who is really anointed and who is mentally unstable - but we can't judge anyone - and they aren't allowed to talk about it much... I mean what the???
What a laughable 'Christian' religion. We used to deride the traditional churches but at least at this time of year their services talk about love, mercy, forgiveness, thanksgiving ...the jws are having to sit and study more and more convoluted explanations of strange manmade doctrines, to try to make it all fit.
...and as for this labeling of certain ones as mentally unstable! Just awful, so now we've got a situation where people's sincerity, motives and even their sanity is questioned, what a judgemental, horrible group.
Is no one sitting there thinking, 'how do we know that Stephen Lett or Anthony Morris Jr aren't mentally unstable'?!?!! They certainly sound a bit odd talking about tight pants and apostate driven lies!
Some thoughts on guilt.
by New day inhad an interesting conversation with my wife recently.
she struggles with physical, emotional and psychological problems which have often caused her to miss meetings.
she mentioned how she is equally tortured by guilt if she misses meetings and ministry, and severe stress if she does them.
I was like your wife, severe problems with guilt and stress. Especially as a mum, as a jw you are supposed to keep the house very clean and be on top of everything there, support your husband in his privileges, hospitality etc, teach your children, work (at least in my case) , attend all meetings, prepare for all meetings, ministry as much as possible and help your kids to do the same. Then I would feel guilty and extremely stressed if I slipped up in any of these areas. Inevitably there would be some item on the assembly about 'doing more' with some demo about a super pioneer disabled mum of triplets and I'd end up in bits afterwards. It's pure mental torture.
Try to help your wife to start enjoying life, ask her is this what God really wants for her to be stressed, guilt ridden, loaded down, or to be happy and healthy and heartfelt in anything she does for God. It's men who put the burdens, rules and demands on us, nothing in the scriptures has it so. The only statistics counted converted new believers, never hours.
Didn't go to memorial this year
by silent inmy wife and i had business to attend to out of town today and i had thought if we made it back home in time, we'd go to the memorial.
as it turned out, we didn't get home in time and we missed it, but we had a real good talk with each other on the way home.
we are largely successful faders and at the very least, i like to try and make the memorial.
Hey silent. You are in the limbo stage of half in half out, I was only there for about 6 months and I felt like I was having a breakdown. Once youve made the decision to walk away and make a clean break, you will start to heal, for your own mental state you have to do that.
in terms of your faith, read In Search of Christian Freeedom by Ray Franz, he negates the need of an organisation and together with Crisis of Conscience, reveals the false practices and doctrines of the org. If you do feel you need a church, find a tolerant, non offensive one. We know now the witnesses have got a great deal wrong in terms of their hierarchy, judgementalism, lack of love, judicial process, shunning, blood, birthdays, worship of the governing body etc...... . So why is it such a big deal to attend somewhere that might have some other doctrines wrong. Let's face it the chances are they're all a bit wrong, if there is God, then he hasn't made it very clear.
I didn't attend, first one missed in 25 years. I felt pulled back and forth all week long, in the end my toddler was sick so it helped me make the decision and she did not go either. I still feel weird about it, not sure why. But logically it was right not to go, a) i don't want to appear on their radar and have them start to reach out to me to try to 'help' me back in, b) I dont want me and my kids to be the subject of gossip, c) I don't want people saying 'see she still thinks it's the truth'. I did read some of the relevant scriptures tho which reminded me the JWs have a weird interpretation with the 2 groups etc!
I'm much more looking forward to a big family birthday I have coming up, my non witness parents have major birthdays each within a month of eachother plus an anniversary, we're having a big party and I'm going to be joining in for the first time in 25 years, along with my kids!! Yes I am happy living a 'normal' life with 'normal' celebrations!
The Kingdom Message
by truth doubter inregarding the unique preaching of the kingdom by wt (new creation, heavenly kings, priests and judges, restoration of paradise on earth etc.).
the scriptures seem to back up wts interpretation.
so, although there are a million reasons to become inactive, how can our conscience allow us not to become active in the work described at matt.
I was 'stuck' on the way out of this religion on Matt 24:14 believing as all JWs do that they are the only ones doing the preaching work. The truth is we were told over and over and over again that they are the only ones doing any preaching work, that's just propaganda and is not accurate. Most of the time they are following in the footsteps of the missionaries of mainstream christianity without whom JWs wouldn't be able to have got any foothold in many non Western lands.
A quick visit to jwfacts will sort this out
I particularly like the details about The Jesus Film Project, a non denominational film of the Gospel of John which has been shown more than 6 billion times since 1979 throughout the world, is translated into 1300 languages with new languages added every month and has resulted in over 200 million people accepting Christ.
Don't Accept the Blame for Being Shunned
by cofty inour family and friends blame us for the fact that they shun us.
imagine an abusive husband who threatened his wife that if she leaves him he will hunt her down and kill her.
eventually she finds the courage to leave and he carries out his threat.
I feel terrible now about the way I used to view things with twisted thinking due to mind control. When people said JWs break up families, I argued wrongly that it was the one who left who chose to destroy the family by turning their back on the one true religion. Now I realise how twisted and sick the reasoning is; you change your faith for whatever conscientious reason you may have, we will shun you, then we will blame you for causing the rift in the family. This mental abuse is particularly damaging for young people. I sincerely hope it comes back to haunt them in the ARC, and the charity commission investigation results. -
Memorial mixed emotions...
by Tornintwo indoes anyone else feel 'pulled back in' at this time of year?.
i still consider myself to a believer, believe in god and jesus christ, on the whole i think he taught tolerance, love, acceptance and i think we can benefit from following his example.
i love ray franzs book in search of christian freedom.
Thanks for all of your helpful responses.
Hey Alive, it's all good, found your post very interesting, actually.
I like that we all have different views and can share them respectfully, finding our own 'truth'.
I agree if God wanted us to believe and worship in a certain very specific way then he should have made it much, much clearer, as it is as clear as mud right now! The witnesses love to boast about they have the right interpretation, having researched honestly and logically scriptures in the bible to interpret other scriptures, then you just have to examine their generation teaching, or see them clinging to 1914-607 despite all evidence to the contrary, or the ridiculous Revelation book interpretations....(this trumpet blast corresponded to a convention in Ohio etc....) to see they haven't a clue and there are ulterior motives to promote their leadership.
I think I agree with those that have posted that to acknowledge the time of year from home, perhaps read the relevant scriptures, meditate, say thank you, should be enough. I think I was thinking attending might give me 'closure' but alternatively it might open up a can of worms.