When I was employed by a "brother".........
JoinedPosts by jimbob
What is the WORST job you ever had?
by gilwarrior inyes, more fluff!.
well my worst two jobs had to be when i lived in mexico about three years ago.
i got a job as a telemarketer.
Sisters reunited after nearly a decade
by Nathan Natas inhttp://www.king5.com/localnews/stories/nw_111802wabsistersreunite.1ce5a894.html
sisters reunited after nearly a decade .
by arturo santiago / king 5 news .
How can this be??......Family ties are so important in the org....The Society would never dream of breaking up a family....
Children's Sports....The New Epidemic of Violence!
by jimbob ini was given the december 8, 2002 awake from a relative, and that is the title to an article inside.
it goes on to relate how violent some parents and coaches have become and gives some examples of parents who have been violent in regards to their children's sports activities.
while i do realize that there probably are instances of violent parents.....i'm sure these instances are relatively few and sporadic.
Hi Marilyn! Yeah, I got hounded for a little while to play sports, but I always kept a low profile so the hounding stopped relatively soon. I did enjoy playing basketball, but was never super good at it. I think sports is such a good activity for kids. It keeps them active and helps them to interract with other kids. What do JW kids do when they get home from school.....well, if they were like me, (and I'm sure they still are) they sit in front of the TV or get involved in something they shouldn't. Some things the Society tells you not to do just make me scratch my head and go....HUH?
Earthly Resurrection Belief is INSANE
by PopeOfEruke ini know this topic gets mentioned a lot, but it still upsets me whenever i think about it.
its so insane, and i get so angry that i never questioned it or used my own brain to see the absurdity in it when i was still "in".. what got me started today is the sheer numbers involved.
the dubs believe only they will survive the big a. but not all of them - because those leading double lives etc will be killed as well as the rest of the 6 billion people on earth.
Here's how a conversation might go between a resurrected person (we'll call him Steve) and a JW Armageddon survivor (we'll call him Paul)....
Paul: Hey Steve, I'm so glad to see you here after your death. Welcome to the New World!
Steve: Thanks Paul. It's good to see you made it too. But I'm feeling a little funny...
Paul: Why's that?
Steve: Well, you see, when I woke up from being resurrected, I noticed my penis was missing...
Paul: Say what, dude?????
Steve: I mean, my schlong.......IT AIN'T THERE!!!
Paul: You gotta be kidding me!! So what.....were you resurrected as a woman?
Steve: No, I mean I'm still a dude, I just don't have any equipment...here, look......(Steve drops his pants)
Paul: Whoa.....dude, I did NOT need to see that!!!! Man, you're a FREAK!! How the hell are you supposed to take a leak?
Steve: Man, I don't know........
Paul: Hey, you know, I just saw you're wife. You know, she never remarried after you died, and now that we're all young, she's looking pretty hot!!! I think I might get to know her a little bit better. And since you're without a weiner, she won't be sleeping with you anymore..Ha Ha Ha...
Steve: Hey, that ain't funny...are you telling me you're gonna be banging my wife..?
Paul: That's exactly what I'm saying........later!
Yeah......life in the new world.....gotta love it!!
Take the "Cool" Person Test!
by ThiChi inare you a cool person?
do you wish you were a "cool" person?
does the jw way of life get you to the point that you have lost that coolness?
And to think when I got called "dickhead" in school, they were really telling me how cool I was....
Children's Sports....The New Epidemic of Violence!
by jimbob ini was given the december 8, 2002 awake from a relative, and that is the title to an article inside.
it goes on to relate how violent some parents and coaches have become and gives some examples of parents who have been violent in regards to their children's sports activities.
while i do realize that there probably are instances of violent parents.....i'm sure these instances are relatively few and sporadic.
I was given the December 8, 2002 Awake from a relative, and that is the title to an article inside. It goes on to relate how violent some parents and coaches have become and gives some examples of parents who have been violent in regards to their children's sports activities. While I do realize that there probably are instances of violent parents.....I'm sure these instances are relatively few and sporadic. But towards the end of the article it says how christian parents would do well to have their children play in a backyard or a local park so they have control over their children's association. Growing up, I would've loved to play sports, but of course the Society with all their control over everyone's lives, says that's a no-no. Playing school sports should be something every child should get to do if they want. And it's a lot of fun for the parents. So many of my workmates tell me how much fun they have taking their kids to soccer practice or baseball practice, and they enjoy seeing their child have fun, excel at something their good at, and get to interract with kids their own age. Now if we play by the Society's rules, we may get to play kick the ball in another family's backyard, but of course, that's only if that family is good, wholesome association. God, is there anything we could do as JW kids that was okay?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Oh, yeah........meetings and service! How could I forget!!!!!
Was Public Reproof Traumatic for You?
by zenpunk ini was reproved at the age of 17 and, believe me it was a nightmare at home.
first, my parents felt such shame over me - i was such an evil disappointment to them.
i would hear my mother talk on the phone to other sisters about how sad she was about the way i had turned out.
First, let me say that this is an excellent topic for a thread......I'm surprised that Minimus didn't think of it....
But I was never publicly reproved, just privately, and I was still devasted that I could have done something so terribly wrong to end up having a meeting with the elders and then in turn they have a meeting with all the elders to decide my fate for my terrible act. What was my terrible act of wrongdoing?????????
I had one beer at a pizza place 2 months before I turned 21.
I laugh now when I think about!!!!!!!!
What do you suggest I do about this?
by Mulan inmy 90 year old jw mother told a friend of mine this yesterday: "marilyn said that not a day goes by that she doesn't regret leaving the truth.
" my friend called me to report it to me, because she knows better.. what i told mom is this: "i hope someday i will come to a time when i can forget i was ever a jw, and don't think about it every day.".
she got something different out of it than what i intended.. i don't care that she told this particular friend, but i would hate it if she is saying that to other people in her congregation.
Sorry about that Marilyn....I knew it was your mother...it's just when I hear someone being 90, I just automatically think of them as grandma or grandpa.... I'm sure whatever you decide will turn out okay. Glad you didn't mind my 2 cents.
What do you suggest I do about this?
by Mulan inmy 90 year old jw mother told a friend of mine this yesterday: "marilyn said that not a day goes by that she doesn't regret leaving the truth.
" my friend called me to report it to me, because she knows better.. what i told mom is this: "i hope someday i will come to a time when i can forget i was ever a jw, and don't think about it every day.".
she got something different out of it than what i intended.. i don't care that she told this particular friend, but i would hate it if she is saying that to other people in her congregation.
Marilyn...I can totally understand the frustration you might have of having anyone think you'd have regrets in leaving the org. I know if it was me, I'd probably casually mention something to let her know how happy you are and that you don't ever regret any decision you made regarding the truth. I have finally told my family...they actually took it okay...but the reason I gave was that I was burned out on it. If I said anything negative at all, they would probably label me an apostate..and I can't have that. So in a way..I feel a little frustrated like you, in that I'd like to be able to say everything I really feel, but I can't. So I guess if you feel like what your grandmother said won't really go any farther, then I'd probably let it go too. But if you think she's gonna blab that to every JW she talks with, then perhaps you might want to set her straight. I hate that they think that once you leave the org, your life is in ruins and you're soooooo unhappy, when it's quite the opposite. Anyway, the wife hasn't let her family know yet....I'm sure it's just a matter of days now. Take care..
What Is The Hardest Thing About Leaving The Truth?
by minimus inif you've left or are considering leaving the "truth", what is the most difficult thing that you must deal with?
is it losing family or friends?
is it feeling isolated?
Well, I'd have to agree with most on this, that the hardest thing is losing your family and friends. When you've been in the org for a long time and made lots of friends over the years, it does hurt to have them not want to be friends with you anymore. Guess it kinda shows how superficial and conditional friendships in the org are. But the wife and I have noticed the few friends we've made outside the org are friends with you for who you are....not whether you go to meetings and get in your required field service time...so that is quite a refreshing change. Having family not want to see and talk with you hurts too. They will always try to guilt you into going back. It's amazing to me how the Society says they feel family relationships are so important to them.....I guess they're important as long as you obey the Society. How sad!!
Edited by - jimbob on 12 November 2002 22:34:0