Hi Marilyn. I've been around, just not posting much lately. I recently started a new job..(after getting my first college degree...YEAH!) So I've been busy. Anyway, not much is new here. I wanted to email you, but I don't have your address saved into my favorites for some reason. I don't know why it's not there. Anyway, as far as I know, my brother-in-law is still an elder. I can't imagine him stepping down, because it's such a position of prominence for him, and that's all he has in his pathetic life. But I don't talk to them at all. My wife still does speak with her family on occasion, but they pretty much leave us alone now. It bothered them a lot at first, but I think they are coming to grips with the fact that this is our decision and we ain't changing it. I'd share more if I was writing you directly in e-mail.
As far as my family goes, my mom is okay with our decision. We still talk every week and I go over there a couple of times a month. So no problems there. My wife wishes it was that easy with her family...but her family are the die-hard JW's. Anyway, that's about it. Rachel told us about the upcoming party this summer. I told her I'd talk to the wife and see. Take care.