Oh yeah, I almost forgot.....I used to do the accounts. And you know what I used to do?????? I used to pocket all of the cash that got contributed for the month, and then write a check in it's place........that way, I had written documentation to my enormous donations I made each month that were tax deductible. I was so bad!!
JoinedPosts by jimbob
How many MS & ex-MS are here or lurking?
by Dismembered inhow many ms or ex-ms are here?
dismembered <--------- 14 years (could not keep mouth shut so no advancement made) .
dismemberededited by - dismembered on 7 october 2002 10:4:0.
How many MS & ex-MS are here or lurking?
by Dismembered inhow many ms or ex-ms are here?
dismembered <--------- 14 years (could not keep mouth shut so no advancement made) .
dismemberededited by - dismembered on 7 october 2002 10:4:0.
I guess you better count me in. Was an MS from 92 til 98. I tried to quit in 97, but they wouldn't let me. At that time I had an elder in my hall tell me that it's hard to get into the "club", but once you're in, they won't let you leave. (Of course the exception to that is getting df'd) That statement from that elder will always stick with me. That's exactly what it is.......a club. A good ol' boys club.
Homosexual Adultery is NOT Grounds for Divorce!
by UnDisfellowshipped inquote from the watchtower january 1st 1972 issue, pages 31-32: .
questions from readers .
do homosexual acts on the part of a married person constitute a scriptural ground for divorce, freeing the innocent mate to remarry?
Just for everybody's info.....the retraction is in the December 15th 1972 Watchtower, pages 766-768. Can't believe it took them almost a year to pull their heads out of their asses........!
Here's a quote from that article:
"A thorough study of the matter shows that porneia refers to all forms of immoral sexual relations".
So what they're saying is that they didn't do a thorough study the first time, so now through new light, and deeper study, they're wrong. Of course, this has been par for the course over the years!
Edited by - jimbob on 6 October 2002 21:12:49
Where'd the Written Review Go?
by metatron inprediction: the organization will have to become dumber,.
crazier and more cruel to survive..
Do you remember when they had grading scales on the written reviews? I can't remember exactly what the words were they used for scores....I think it went something like...Excellent, Better, Good. The last couple of years, whenever Written Review came around, we just didn't go. We felt like it was a waste of time to go get dressed up to take a test. Of course, I realize now it was all a waste of time!
Edited by - jimbob on 3 October 2002 20:0:50
WTS Press Release...and my own story
by Bendrr inmy own story is at the end of this post.
simon and board moderators, i have edited out the person's last name.
in light of recent discussions, i think that would be best.
You hit it right on the head when you said........ We all know very well that when the WTS leaves a decision up to the individual dub the decision has already been laid out in the unwritten set of rules.
That's exactly what they do. Everything is supposedly a "conscience matter", but we all know what the Society is saying........
My Redemption Against the JW's
by Reborn2002 inquite a while ago i made a promise to myself not to allow the organization known as jehovah's witnesses to have an effect on my life any longer.
i had washed my hands of them and their disgusting propaganda machine disguised as a religion.
an old addage says the best revenge is to live life, and to live it well.
As a relative newbie on this board, I've enjoyed reading your posts, Reborn. In fact, when I read your post about how you would not be posting very much any more, I couldn't help but feel a little disappointed, but completely understood why. So I always get anxious to see what you've written when I see that you've posted! I'm hoping that in a short while, I'll be able to relate my story to those on this board, but for now, I need to keep a lower profile. Man, what I would've given to be a witness(no pun intended) to that event! There's no doubt in my mind that you scared the livin' sh*t outta them. Of course I'm sure when they all reconvened somewhere, the elder just told them that's what apostates are like and they need to pray and stick close to Jehovah.....you know, the usual bs. Sad to say, probably not one of those young guys asked him about any of the questions you posed. And even if they did, he probably told them it wasn't true. And I can't believe Wal-Mart let them be out in front of the store. If I'd seen them, I wouldn't have the guts to say what you said, but I sure would've let the manager know that them being there offended me and I'd never shop at Wal-Mart as long as they were there. But I think your approach to the situation was much better........
by minimus inone of my best friends, an ex-elder, swears alot.
years ago i never would have sworn.
but they say bad assocaiation spoils useful habits, so what the -----.
Naw....I actually swore more when I went to meetings. There was a lot more to swear at back then..
Jehovah Allows Serena to Win 8 Titles This Year
by blondie inthe 21-year-old american captured her eighth tournament victory of 2002, one more than her older sister venus.
serena already took her sister's wimbledon and u.s. open crowns, as well as the french open championship - all coming over venus..
"i am very happy to have won my eighth title this year," serena said.
Sounds like it's time for a shepherding visit on the Williams sisters to discuss playing in afterschool sports.....that's a big no-no!!!
Huge Catalogue of Field Service Supplies!
by expatbrit inroll up and get everything from service bags to dog dazers!
Just in time for Christmas..................:) This is another fine example of brothers profiting off each other. How many of us knew somebody in the congregation that was either trying to sell something to the brothers, or get them into some sort of mulitlevel marketing scheme. Hell, why try and get money out of wordly people when it's so easy to get it out of your fellow brothers........
Edited by - jimbob on 26 September 2002 22:51:30
Question for Mulan.......
by jimbob inyou mentioned a little while ago that you were going to post something from reinhard lengtat.
i was wondering if that was still in the works?
i'd sure like to read what he has to say.
You mentioned a little while ago that you were going to post something from Reinhard Lengtat. I was wondering if that was still in the works? I'd sure like to read what he has to say. Thanks.