That's a great article. Now I know who to call for all my ceiling cracks..............
JoinedPosts by jimbob
Here is the article and photo of Bigred from Sunday paper
by Mulan inhere is the photo that ran in the paper yesterday.
dave is in front, and our eldest son, randy is behind him.
this is the article, online:
Did you cheat on your monthly report?
by JH ini was always honest with my field service reports, until the time when an elder came over to give me hell because i had only 1 hour that month in the field service.
i told him that i was working 50 hours a week, had a 4 day district convention that month and couldn't do miracles that month.
he never accepted my explanation.. .
Did I cheat?? Hell yes, I cheated!!! For the last 2 to 3 years before leaving the borg, I never went out more than once a month, yet I put down just enough hours so I wouldn't get harrassed. Makes you wonder how many still in do the same thing??
by jimbob inyes, summer is almost here, and this will be my very first summer that i will not be attending a district convention.
since the wife and i left the borg last august, i have looked forward to a summer, free from conventions.
at last that time has arrived.
Hi Marilyn. I've been around, just not posting much lately. I recently started a new job..(after getting my first college degree...YEAH!) So I've been busy. Anyway, not much is new here. I wanted to email you, but I don't have your address saved into my favorites for some reason. I don't know why it's not there. Anyway, as far as I know, my brother-in-law is still an elder. I can't imagine him stepping down, because it's such a position of prominence for him, and that's all he has in his pathetic life. But I don't talk to them at all. My wife still does speak with her family on occasion, but they pretty much leave us alone now. It bothered them a lot at first, but I think they are coming to grips with the fact that this is our decision and we ain't changing it. I'd share more if I was writing you directly in e-mail.
As far as my family goes, my mom is okay with our decision. We still talk every week and I go over there a couple of times a month. So no problems there. My wife wishes it was that easy with her family...but her family are the die-hard JW's. Anyway, that's about it. Rachel told us about the upcoming party this summer. I told her I'd talk to the wife and see. Take care.
by jimbob inyes, summer is almost here, and this will be my very first summer that i will not be attending a district convention.
since the wife and i left the borg last august, i have looked forward to a summer, free from conventions.
at last that time has arrived.
Hi Rachel. Yes, I haven't posted in a while. But I always check in here each week to see what the latest is. Guess I haven't had too much to add lately. Thanks for the update on the apostafest. I appreciate the invite. I will talk to the misses and see if she feels up to it yet. Take care.
by jimbob inyes, summer is almost here, and this will be my very first summer that i will not be attending a district convention.
since the wife and i left the borg last august, i have looked forward to a summer, free from conventions.
at last that time has arrived.
Yes, summer is almost here, and this will be my very first summer that I will not be attending a District Convention. Since the wife and I left the borg last August, I have looked forward to a summer, free from conventions. At last that time has arrived. But as I was thinking about this, something else came to my mind that I thought I would write about.
Every year when I went to the convention, I can remember seeing the "apostates" standing out front with their bullhorns and posters saying how the JW's are false prophets and writing on their posters the years 1914, 1925, 1975..etc..of course with a line drawn through each year of failed predictions of Armaggedon. As I walked past and glanced at them every year, I couldn't help but think..."what truly sad, pathetic dumbasses. They don't have a clue what they are talking about. Just wait til Armaggedon comes and they will see how wrong they are". Of course, year after year I thought this. Now that I am finally out and free of the borg, I look back and see that I was the pathetic dumbass! Perhaps in a way, those little glances I stole at their posters...(no good JW would even look at them, we just ignore them and pretend they're invisible).......stayed in the back of my mind, and when I finally broke free, I realized that they were right!
Now granted, I spent, God only knows, how many weekends trying to get people into my religion. I sure as hell aint gonna spend time trying to get them out. (unless it's my family, of course) At this point in my life, I don't give a rats ass about JW's. I have my life, they have theirs. But I was wondering if anyone else felt the same about those "apostates" they encountered at their conventions, and if they had any impact on you when you finally decided to break away? Would I have been able to break free if they weren't there..? You bet! But I finally had a little more appreciation for what they were saying.........
I saw a JW Elder at X-Men 2 Movie this weekend!!
by WingCommander ini nearly fell off my seat.
this 30ish jw elder came strolling in the movie theater with his wife and a huge tub of pop corn in his arm to watch x-men 2: xmen united.
i couldn't believe the hypocrasy.........they teach not to even watch much tv, much less go to a movie.
Years ago at a circuit assembly, the CO had a part on being separate from the world. He specifically mentioned not going to movies that were "unwholesome". But the part that stuck in my mind was how he said PG-13 stood for Pure Garbage to the 13th Power. So not only is "R" off limits, but now PG-13 is a big "NO-NO" as well. Of course, I knew of servants that saw "R' rated movies all the time.
Again, the hypocrisy is so rampant in the organization, it's sickening. I've had said many times on this board how their hypocrisy is one of the main reasons why my wife and I left the borg. Even my mother, who is a die-hard JW, told me that she realizes all the hypocrisy in the org. But still she goes to meetings. How sad indeed! It's amazing how so many JW's don't practice what they supposedly preach. What a truly sad religion!!
This has always been my sore spot being a JayDubb. I could never go to college because this system is ending, so why bother. Now that I'm out, I've gotten my associate's degree, and I start on my bachelor's this fall. I just got hired by a great financial institution because of my schooling, and they will help with any further tuition. So I'm pretty excited right now. Meantime, the rest of my family and in-laws that are still in JDubbya world, are still struggling because of no education......of course they continue to say it's Satan testing them for being faithful........ Go figure!
The WatchTower and Higher Education
by Maverick inrunningman's post on the fallacies of the watchtower reasonings started me thinking on the gb's stand on higher education.
i am impressed with the superb thinking ability of many who post here.
unclebruce, stephanus, victor_e, gamaliel, blondie, undisfellowshipped, and machislopp to name just a few.
I for one can speak from experience. I graduated from high school in the mid eighties. I did what every good dub does, and pioneered for two years instead of go to college. I always wanted to go to college, but of course, we know we would all be looked down upon if we did. But I'm happy to say that I just recently graduated with my first college degree, and now have a decent job because of it, while other dubs I know that are still in, are still struggling just to find work in this economy. Truly, the dubs have some sad reasoning here.
by JT in"we would not refuse to treat one as a brother because he did not believe the society is the lord's channel... there should be full liberty of conscience.
-- wt april 1, 1920, p. 100, 101
it is interesting to think that at one time the wt viewed itself merely as students of the word sharing and printing thier understanding or interpetation or their take on a biblical point and as a result they felt that if they printed something that someone didn;t agree with well all is well, we just got a different personal view on a matter.
jimbob are indeed a wise man. I've always agreed with you 100% on all your posts, and this is not any different. It is indeed sad how you are looked upon as going against god if you don't agree with every little thing the Society says you should believe. Control at it's finest!!
Shunning Discussion as Factor in Longo Family Murders
by blondie in | the register-guard, eugene, oregon.
march 2, 2003
Sorry, I meant to say repent, not repend....I thought I knew how to spell.....