No probably just skipped that part......
JoinedPosts by jimbob
Puyallup, Washington Assembly Hall Pics....
by jimbob ini know that our very own seattleniceguy posted pics of the remodeled assembly hall in puyallup....but we just got an email from a dub from our old congregation that still has us on their distribution list.
they sent us this link to all of the pictures of the remodel.
when you click on the link, it will ask for a password.
Puyallup, Washington Assembly Hall Pics....
by jimbob ini know that our very own seattleniceguy posted pics of the remodeled assembly hall in puyallup....but we just got an email from a dub from our old congregation that still has us on their distribution list.
they sent us this link to all of the pictures of the remodel.
when you click on the link, it will ask for a password.
Blondie...didn't you read my entire post???
Puyallup, Washington Assembly Hall Pics....
by jimbob ini know that our very own seattleniceguy posted pics of the remodeled assembly hall in puyallup....but we just got an email from a dub from our old congregation that still has us on their distribution list.
they sent us this link to all of the pictures of the remodel.
when you click on the link, it will ask for a password.
If you have trouble with the link working, just cut-and-paste it into your address bar..........
Puyallup, Washington Assembly Hall Pics....
by jimbob ini know that our very own seattleniceguy posted pics of the remodeled assembly hall in puyallup....but we just got an email from a dub from our old congregation that still has us on their distribution list.
they sent us this link to all of the pictures of the remodel.
when you click on the link, it will ask for a password.
I know that our very own seattleniceguy posted pics of the remodeled assembly hall in Puyallup....but we just got an email from a dub from our old congregation that still has us on their distribution list. They sent us this link to all of the pictures of the remodel. When you click on the link, it will ask for a password. And the password is "Paradise". (Gee, how original) Also make sure you type it with a capital "P". We saw a few people we recognized. It really is amazing how much you can get done with slave labor.....
New Puyallup Assembly Hall
by seattleniceguy inhey, look at me, i feel like i'm in the apostate cia.
apparently i'm still on someone's jw mailing list, so i was sent pictures of the newly remodeled puyallup assembly hall.
here ya go:.
Thanks SNG. I went here for years and years. Looks like it's changed quite a bit. It's amazing what slave labor can do....
Which Countries are still be charged for Magazines?
by Rick Aust inhi there people.. i was listening to a public talk recently and in it the speaker said that the wts is not chargeing money for the magazines to make it easier for people with little money to receive the magazines.
i told my wife "thats crap".
there are some countries who are still charged money for magazines, and i beleive most of these countries that are still charged money are from the poorer nations.
The Central African Republic branch wrote: "This means that anyone, no matter what his or her financial situation may be, can have the necessary printed material to become a disciple of Christ.
Whatever happened to just using the bible to become a "disciple of Christ"? This is one thing I never understood... when god wrote the bible, do you think he said, "well, I've finished writing all I'm gonna write....the world will just have to wait a few more thousand years for some old geezers in New York to figure it all out and then charge everyone 25 cents to really understand what I wrote." I don't think so!!!! Oh all of the enlightenment is "free of charge".....gee, what a deal! Just goes to show you that the best things in life AREN'T free!!!
It's Mulan and Big Red's Anniversary!
by Princess in41 years!
a big ol' hug to you both!.
love you,.
Happy Anniversary!!
41 years is quite an accomplishment. Now, keep in mind what your friend said at her Circuit Assembly regarding large, fancy anniversary parties.......we can't be doing that now......
Both of us are very happy for you guys!!!! We wish you many, many more!!!!!!!!!!
Weekend Circuit Assembly Report
by Mulan inmy jw girlfriend was here for coffee this morning, and gave me the assembly report.
her husband told her not to tell me one thing because it would give me "ammunition", but of course she told me.
there were no baptismal candidates.
Hi Marilyn. I hope you, Dave and all your family had a wonderful Christmas. The wife and I were talking about how lucky you guys are that you're all out. It must be very nice to all be together for the holidays.
Anyway, about the assembly wife's sister, (you know who I'm talking about) emailed her today to let her know about their assembly this past weekend. I know that your "friend" has the same assembly has my sister-in-law. She went on to tell my wife about how beautiful it was....(barf!) and how several people told her to say "hi" to us. My wife said it was an okay email.....just mostly information. She did mention to my wife about the kitchen being gone, and more seating, and a remodeled women's restroom. You know that her dad (RL) was the guy driving the million dollar project. Before we left the borg, the assembly committee, who was headed up by B.L., had talked for quite a while about remodeling the assembly hall, and purposely upped the amount of money that they said was needed each assembly to "break even". They were socking away a "set" amount per publisher for quite some time so they could do the remodel.
What just kills me is what they spend their money on. The Society always wants them to contribute more so that others in poorer lands can have kingdumb halls, but then they go out and spend a million dollars on a perfectly fine building. How about feeding the poor in the community.....(yeah, right!) But, whatever I guess. That's funny that they had no one baptised. I think I can only remember one assembly there where nobody was dunked. But, I'm sure there will be more in the future......
If I don't talk to you before this Thursday....have a very Happy New Year! (Tell everyone hello for us....hopefully we can get together again soon!)
SEX talks at the sunday meetings
by wannaexit inthe last little while there have been many talks on sex at the sunday meetings.
it is sickening!
they are very explicit in nature.. don't they realize that there are many children in the audience that are not really ready to hear this particular information?.
I can remember sitting through a Sunday talk one time shortly after my wife and I were married. It, of course, was on marriage. One topic that was in the outline was on oral sex. The speaker briefly touched on it, and how christians would avoid this practice. In the meantime, I wondering to myself how many in the congregation we're hoping nobody was looking at them so as to give away the guilty looks on all their faces..... (including our faces)
Needless to say, the wife and I didn't pay much attention to that talk.... (Thank god!!)
How the Audiocassette made JT into a Society Man!!!
by JT ina thread that was posted recently was talking about the audiocassette and it brought back memories of how i became a company man or as we used to say ?a society man?
due to those cassettes
o yes-- the reading of the mags- well when i was at bethel there was a reading test given to all ms who wanted to sign up for the opportunity to be a audiocassette reader/ dramas
I've always enjoyed reading your posts. You have much insight to many things that most of us have no idea about. I would love to sit down with you and hear about all your experiences. For anyone beginning to question the Society, all they have to do is read your posts to know what the Society is REALLY about. Thanks!