I wish I knew what is happening.
It's quite obvious what is happening; you are about to be disfellowshipped! You wouldn't have been "marked" if the elders thought you were innocent.
If you have any pictures, papers, personal posessions, outstanding loans, etc. that you hope to collect back from any JW, start right now to retreive or collect.
If you share any storage locker, lockbox, or other facility with family or a JW, move your things out, no matter how inconvenient this may prove to be.
If you share a bank account or other financial arrangement (credit card, health insurance, life insurance, etc.) remove any funds belonging to you immediately. Remove other names from any account that you control, remove your name from any account controlled by another person.
If you have anything that belongs to a JW give it back immediately.
If you have keys or other access to anything (buildings, vehicles, etc.) owned by a family member or by another JW, return the items through a neutral third party such as an attorney or, if you have no one else, through the community relations department of the local Police station.
Change the locks on your house if you have ever, at any time, given a key to family or JW friend.
Give written notice to your landlord that no one has permission from you to access your dwelling or remove anything of yours from the property.
Buy window locks, sliding door locks, garage door locks, etc. and use them 100% of the time.
If you don't have either voicemail or an answering machine, set one up now.
Keep in mind that these people are no longer your friends; they're already proving that by their actions.
Breaking with WT/JW's is a lot like ending a marriage or any other contract, only it's guaranteed that JW's won't stay friendly with you!