I tried...once. One Sunday after the meeting I asked an elder how to reconcile two conflicting bits of information in the literature. The elder became agitated and told me that he and another elder would be by that evening, that I should make a written list of my questions. I came home and did what he asked, although I couldn't understand why he wanted "a list" when I had only one question!
Well, the two elders appeared at the appointed time. When I brought out my little piece of paper with the question written on it, the elder wouldn't take the paper, saying "we know all about your questions". I was dumbfounded, as I hadn't discussed whatever it was with anyone, hadn't even been given the opportunity to tell him, and yet he already knew? That was my first inkling that the elder wasn't going to help me figure things out.
There in my own living room, in the presence of my "unbelieving" spouse and my children, both elders ranted for about five minutes, then left. My family just stood there staring at one another, none of us able to comprehend where things had gone wrong. It wasn't until years later, when I found this board and read the experiences of others, that I realized that they probably thought they had an apostate on their hands. If that's what they thought they were so wrong; at that stage of my life I wanted nothing more than to be the very best servant of Jehovah that I could be, hence my request for their assistance. I had no idea...