Pics! Pics! They're not really there until they're visible!
In the meantime, what kind did you get, and from where? I'm looking at Murray McMurray Hatchery for mine, but won't be ordering until about mid-summer.
they are so cute in their cage with the red heat lamp warming them.
there are eggs in our future.
coop is built all i need to do now is put the fence in.
Pics! Pics! They're not really there until they're visible!
In the meantime, what kind did you get, and from where? I'm looking at Murray McMurray Hatchery for mine, but won't be ordering until about mid-summer.
i'm not suicidal just fed up.. i did think of suicide (briefly), but as there is no painless way and it's not something i would willingly do just in case things would have been better the day after.
i do have a slight grain of hope.. money problems.....problems at home (that's another matter with a son up court for something he is adamant he didn't do.
first offence but the pigs police and the cps have got charges made.
I'm not a fan of anti-depressant medications. Too often they are given to people whose only real problem is Distress.
There's a difference between Depressed and Distressed. One may need medication, the other needs a way out of some situation.
When I was going through a rough time with my family, the elders wanted me to take anti-depressants. I asked why. The answer was "it's hard on us to see you this way". They wanted me to take meds so they would feel better!!! A whole lot easier than actually giving me a helping hand, eh?
Do what you need to do, not what others want you to do.
got a cool job, surgery and emergency medicine in a nice holiday town, super happy :d. .
I'm very happy for you!
Best wishes,
i am not hot linking to jw borg, but they have a whole section for obviously very small children (become j's friend, with a whole array of caleb-related stuff).
i have actually never visited the site, today was the first time, because i wanted to check a technical information about their websites architecture and came across this sh*t!.
the way they are targeting small kids is nauseating me (i have a 5 year old, still in with her mother).
Now Caleb has a car! Sophia doesn't, but what can you expect? This is dubdom she's dealing with!
Caleb is obviously not on the fast track himself; his car has no doors! Not two, not the requisite four for taking people with him in field service.
WT is definitely grooming the youth the Kingdom Way; the web page instructs children to make the car and give it to someone. Who benefits from the fruit of that labor?
Run, Caleb! Run!
i am not hot linking to jw borg, but they have a whole section for obviously very small children (become j's friend, with a whole array of caleb-related stuff).
i have actually never visited the site, today was the first time, because i wanted to check a technical information about their websites architecture and came across this sh*t!.
the way they are targeting small kids is nauseating me (i have a 5 year old, still in with her mother).
What happened to the "we don't do Sunday School, our kids sit with their parents during meetings and learn with their parents" line that they fed when I was first contacted?
This is definitely not the same religion as when I joined up. Glad I'm out.
omg i am so distressed.
i have a talk coming up on tuesday, it is the number 3 "abiram.
why opposing god appointed authority is tantamount to opposing god himself"!.
Some things never change...
Write your own d*** talk instead of getting other people to write it for you!
If you're not up to doing that then cancel.
Be a mensch!!!
hi i am new here thank you for letting me join.
i first of all want to say i am not here to bash the religion.
there are good people in the congregation but also bad ones.
From the way you describe the situation, this doesn't sound like a JW/WT problem. Treating her elderly parents poorly means she's treating both of them poorly, not just the unbeliever.
Depending on the severity and type of maltreatment, this could be a matter for the civil authorities. Check the listings for your parent's area and find a government entity with a name like "Elder Abuse". Call them and discuss your concerns. They will probably do a well-being check, just a conversation with your parents to get their views on the relationship and to gain insight into your parent's current abilities to handle their own lives. They will not do this in your sister's presence (or yours!), so your parents will be able to speak as freely as they choose.
i am off to the circuit assembly tomorrow.
not really looking forward to it as it is the first one i will go to after finding out many things on this forum.
since the last assembly i have read coc, in search of christian freedom, and some of the gentile times reconsidered.
You could download Firechat (Open Gardens), set it to Nearby, and see who is saying what in the Assembly Hall.
jws shun many practices like birthday citing their pagan/evil-spirit connection.
if they are honest with their claim, they wil have to leave this world altogether:.
1) in their bethels, brothers should compulsorily wear a neck-tie, which is actually a phallic symbol!.
" we want to share the life saving truths with our neighbors...but associate with them? NO WAY! cant do that cos they are worldly people!"
Once upon a time (in the early 1980's) a Bethelite named George Dixon came to a Special Assembly in CA and gave a talk wherein he gave this illustration: Imagine that you are present when a worshipper of Molech is resurrected. While you are witnessing to him, telling him of all the sacrifices you made to serve Jehovah, he says "oh yes, I made sacrifices too; I offered my only daughter to Molech in the fire". Dixon asked: are you going to turn away from that person because of what has been done?
His point, and the point of his presentation, was that all the people JW's will deal with in the future will be "worldly" and that JW's are not to turn away from them or reject them, but teach them "The Truth". So what's their problem in the here and now?
look for it in the yearbook next year.
there was an assembly the day of the big mudslide in washington last saturday.
a sister's life was saved because she obediently attended the assembly and thus was not home when a huge mudslide hit her neighborhood and buried and killed lots of people.
The same thing was said about the Chowchilla kidnapping (school bus hijacking). One student was absent that day to travel to an assembly so wasn't on the bus the day it was hijacked and buried. There's an article in the Awake! about it...
Wasn't there "an account" about someone missing the assembly and getting swept away in the Indonesian tsunami?
Couldn't the Baptist or Episcopalian or <insert name of denomination here> be saying the same sort of thing in their own church publications?