Why are you worrying about somebody else's money?
Do what you want with your own finances and leave other people free to do the same.
excerpt from the article entitled the silver is mine, and the gold is mine taken from the november 1, 2007 watchtower, pages 22-21:.
ways in which some choose to give contributions to the worldwide work.
many set aside, or budget, an amount that they place in the contribution boxes labeled "contributions for the worldwide workmatthew 24:14.".
Why are you worrying about somebody else's money?
Do what you want with your own finances and leave other people free to do the same.
not sure if so many are still on here, i am feeling kinda lost.
anyway, saturday came and went and tuesday came and went and no judicial meeting with me.
the elders just sort of avoided me and didn't let me comment at the wt.
I wish I knew what is happening.
It's quite obvious what is happening; you are about to be disfellowshipped! You wouldn't have been "marked" if the elders thought you were innocent.
If you have any pictures, papers, personal posessions, outstanding loans, etc. that you hope to collect back from any JW, start right now to retreive or collect.
If you share any storage locker, lockbox, or other facility with family or a JW, move your things out, no matter how inconvenient this may prove to be.
If you share a bank account or other financial arrangement (credit card, health insurance, life insurance, etc.) remove any funds belonging to you immediately. Remove other names from any account that you control, remove your name from any account controlled by another person.
If you have anything that belongs to a JW give it back immediately.
If you have keys or other access to anything (buildings, vehicles, etc.) owned by a family member or by another JW, return the items through a neutral third party such as an attorney or, if you have no one else, through the community relations department of the local Police station.
Change the locks on your house if you have ever, at any time, given a key to family or JW friend.
Give written notice to your landlord that no one has permission from you to access your dwelling or remove anything of yours from the property.
Buy window locks, sliding door locks, garage door locks, etc. and use them 100% of the time.
If you don't have either voicemail or an answering machine, set one up now.
Keep in mind that these people are no longer your friends; they're already proving that by their actions.
Breaking with WT/JW's is a lot like ending a marriage or any other contract, only it's guaranteed that JW's won't stay friendly with you!
i think i am having a sort of mid-life crises.
the other night i began to wonder who were the people that influenced me the most in a postitive manner, making me who i am today..
) my third grade teacher.
1. My grandmother: no one has ever cared about me the way she did. I miss her every day.
2. My mother: taught me how to survive in the business world when I should have been outside playing; showed me how *not* to raise children.
3. The "sister" who "studied" with me: devoted, persistent, generous, outspoken; not always "right" but showed by example how to stand up for what I believed..
do you believe that jesus is yet to come?
do you believe that you will see him for real when he does?.
do you hope to?.
Do you believe that Jesus is yet to come? (why or why not?)
He is yet to come for people who were not Israelites or Judeans or those members of "The Nations" who espoused Christianity prior to approximately 70AD.
Do you believe that you will see him FOR REAL when he does?
Absolutely. Literally.
Do you hope to?
i have a number.
blondie is one of my favs.
dave (seven) is another.
there are so many.... i remember my exfather inlaw...ben regan, he was made an elder in newport r.i and that's enough to make you doubt the whole holy spirit thing right there.. i was sitting in his living room one sunday and the phone rings...some poor black sister just got the crap beat out of her and she was crying to him on the phone, she was looking for help.. ben said.
"well you must have done something really bad to make him so mad at you...i know but...what you need to do is just have another beer and forget the whole thing"....good by.. thank god must women are not putting up with this anymore, from their husbands or religions that really don't care about them.
Thank you very much for the additional information!
the actual size of the word, "Women" on the cover of the July 8, 1992 Awake! magazine, it is larger than the size of the other three words which should have indicated to readers that ALL women deserve respect. That's the way it was meant.
I suspect that this played into the final decision, though:
Actually, the title the guys came up with was this: "How Can Women Earn Respect?"
The "guys" never gave up the notion that women had to *earn* respect! They knew the rules of punctuation; it would have been simple enough to clarify their precise meaning...unless, of course, there was divided opinion.
there are so many.... i remember my exfather inlaw...ben regan, he was made an elder in newport r.i and that's enough to make you doubt the whole holy spirit thing right there.. i was sitting in his living room one sunday and the phone rings...some poor black sister just got the crap beat out of her and she was crying to him on the phone, she was looking for help.. ben said.
"well you must have done something really bad to make him so mad at you...i know but...what you need to do is just have another beer and forget the whole thing"....good by.. thank god must women are not putting up with this anymore, from their husbands or religions that really don't care about them.
The title on the cover: "Women Deserving of Respect."
I remember that magazine! Every "sister" I knew had something to say about the ambiguity of the title: did it mean only *certain* women were deserving of respect? Did it mean *all* women?
Why didn't they use a title that made the matter clear???
i have observed a number of witness teenagers who left the 'truth'.
i have also observed that most of them end up as responsible members of society as a result of their own path to maturity - and df'ing doesn't help the process.. the typical duty of most parents of teenagers is to prevent their offspring from doing drugs, getting pregnant, crashing a car or going to jail.
once you get beyond that, most kids get tired of hangovers, get wise to their foolishness and settle down into conservative behavior that matches their parents.. what they don't need is interference and judicial examination by external busybodies who can separate them from their families and friends at a deeply critical moment in their lives.
There was an article back in the '80's entitled "Is It Wickedness or Weakness?". My take on it was that elders were being cautioned not to make more of a situation than was actually warranted.
when i was a little boy, i feared the elders.
older sisters also told me what to do, as my father not a witness.
when i was appointed a servant, i feared the elders more, even though i was very obedient.
Thanks! I just love a happy ending!
when i was a little boy, i feared the elders.
older sisters also told me what to do, as my father not a witness.
when i was appointed a servant, i feared the elders more, even though i was very obedient.
What was the rest of that experience? How does the story end? I haven't heard this tale before!