Did you notice WT said "where such laws are not enforced" and not 'where there are no such laws'?
Posts by AnneB
This is unbelievable
by N.drew inthe scandal in australia is about the society of jehovah's witnesses refusing to file with the government of australia information that would identify persons who have been suspected of child molestation.
but in the past the watchtower has instructed their people to obey the law of the land as it pertains to interracial marriage.. http://www.jwfacts.com/watchtower/quotes/black-skin.php.
"in a few places, there are even laws making interracial marriages illegal.
What is "truth" - COULD Einstein Have Been Wrong?
by AGuest inmay you all have peace!.
just came across this article:.
From http://www.unlearning101.com/fuhgetaboutit_the_art_of_/2010/12/see-the-whole-picture.html
Study the picture. Do you notice anything unusual? It is one of the world’s most recognizable corporate logos and yet, surprisingly, even though most people see it every day, few have ever noticed the clever arrow hidden between the letters “E” and “X.”
It is a fitting analogy for how many people view the world. We like to believe—and, in fact, we’re quite confident—we’re seeing the whole picture. Often, unfortunately, there is a glaring hole in our knowledge.
What else aren’t we seeing? This is, of course, impossible to know because we can’t see what we can’t see. Nevertheless, it is safe to assume we’re seeing less than the complete picture and it would behoove us to unlearn the assumption that our vision is infallible.
“We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are.” – Anais Nin
Today's Watchtower Lesson Really Bothered Me...
by dontplaceliterature ini was a hair away from telling my wife i never wanted to go to the kingdom hall again after today's watchtower.
the conductor mentioned something along the lines of..."if you think having to shun your disfellowshipped children is bad...you should read up on the israelites.
when one of their children was disobedient to the law, they had to take the before the judges so that they could be stoned to death...and guess who's job it was throw the first stone?".
Has it ever crossed their minds that Israel was a special people bred to serve a certain purpose for God? They weren't told to drag non-Israelites to the stoning ground! We're not Israelites, not even those who claim these days to be Jews can say they are under the arrangement from back then ('cause none of them live it fully).
Apples and oranges.
I WAS so proud of you ..........
by Dudu inthose were my mom's words.... hurt so much.
she was telling me how proud she was when i was a tenager and i went to meetings without her ... and all this time ive been so faithful to the org... im so sad.
Tell her "No, you were proud of yourself and of how well I followed your instructions!" Then tell her you love her, but that each of us has to stand or fall on our own in front of Jehovah, that you're doing *your* best now, not hers. Tell her that since you are taking care of yourself now, she will have more time to work on her own relationship with Jehovah instead of trying to run yours.
She'll either get the point or she won't, but you'll probably feel better for having set down the ground rules.
Wait, Wait... WHAT?! Dec 15th, WT Study - This bugs me
by civicsi00 inok so i decided to just take a quick peek at the dec 15th study edition and i couldn't even get past the very first article!
it's a "personal" story of a jw who was born in 1928 and his experiences from that era.
what is the first thing printed on this page?
The odd thing is that WT will use any available legal means to advance their agenda, but when individual JW's or groups which include JW's do the same thing it's going against the will of Jehovah.
As a JW - Did you See Meetings Continue in Spite of Medical Emergencies?
by flipper ini was talking the other day with a fellow board member about medical emergencies occuring at meetings and how we both agreed that we ( while jw's ) had never seen a meeting stop or be cancelled due to medical emergencies experienced by a fellow jw.
the wt society trains jw' s to lose their authentic human feelings or any empathy towards others physical or emotional sufferings many times.
so many times at meetings , in spite of someone suffering a serious medical emergency it was " the show must go on " type of attitude displayed by congregation elders.. my first experience at seeing a medical emergency at the kingdom hall was an older sister who had an epileptic attack.
The explanation I heard for why the meeting continues during emergencies of any sort (hurricanes, medical emergencies, whatever) is that when they open with prayer they come into Jehovah's presence, much like being granted an audience with a worldly ruler. Just as you wouldn't offend the worldly ruler by taking your attention away from him/her, you must also keep your attention focused on Jehovah, and allow his attendants (MS's, Elders, Emergency crews, etc.) to handle the distractions.
It makes sense, it just seems heartless at times. Even a worldly ruler would probably be kind enough to allow for illness or sudden emergency situations. Don't they think Jehovah would do the same (or more)?
The Watchtower slams the Catholics, why not Islam?
by punkofnice ingiven that the wbt$ is always ready to insult the catholics and other religions why don't they slam islam in the same way?.
is it because it's not considered 'christian' or do they know that muslims won't take their insults?.
or do they and i just missed it?.
No need for them to trash Islam. According to dub theology God already made it obvious which son was favored when Hagar and Ishmael got booted out.
What is "truth" - COULD Einstein Have Been Wrong?
by AGuest inmay you all have peace!.
just came across this article:.
The measuring is dead simple, you guys! You do it the same way as measuring anything else: clock the start, clock the stop, figure out the time it took, then check it against the speed of light. That's it.
How many religions have been started by former JW's?
by Resistance is Futile inserious question.
this seems to be a myth that exists among jw's.
they claim apostates have left and started their own religions.
The Watchtower's Delicate Mastery Of Deception
by metatron inyou gotta admire the skill manifest in the watchtower's deception skills.
don't kid yourself, even the gestapo, in internal documents found after the war, found the magazines to be well crafted in the field of propaganda.. the latest deceptions?
well, there's the nov. awake magazine with its cover asking, "is belief in a creator reasonable".
Braincleaned: you might not want to antagonize Greybeard, I hear he has a large and very supportive family. Besides, he only has 10 posts a day and it would be a shame to see them go to waste in a fruitless argument with you.
Blessings to all (and hoping there are leftovers from yesterday's love feast),