Some things never change...
Write your own d*** talk instead of getting other people to write it for you!
If you're not up to doing that then cancel.
Be a mensch!!!
omg i am so distressed.
i have a talk coming up on tuesday, it is the number 3 "abiram.
why opposing god appointed authority is tantamount to opposing god himself"!.
Some things never change...
Write your own d*** talk instead of getting other people to write it for you!
If you're not up to doing that then cancel.
Be a mensch!!!
hi i am new here thank you for letting me join.
i first of all want to say i am not here to bash the religion.
there are good people in the congregation but also bad ones.
From the way you describe the situation, this doesn't sound like a JW/WT problem. Treating her elderly parents poorly means she's treating both of them poorly, not just the unbeliever.
Depending on the severity and type of maltreatment, this could be a matter for the civil authorities. Check the listings for your parent's area and find a government entity with a name like "Elder Abuse". Call them and discuss your concerns. They will probably do a well-being check, just a conversation with your parents to get their views on the relationship and to gain insight into your parent's current abilities to handle their own lives. They will not do this in your sister's presence (or yours!), so your parents will be able to speak as freely as they choose.
i am off to the circuit assembly tomorrow.
not really looking forward to it as it is the first one i will go to after finding out many things on this forum.
since the last assembly i have read coc, in search of christian freedom, and some of the gentile times reconsidered.
You could download Firechat (Open Gardens), set it to Nearby, and see who is saying what in the Assembly Hall.
jws shun many practices like birthday citing their pagan/evil-spirit connection.
if they are honest with their claim, they wil have to leave this world altogether:.
1) in their bethels, brothers should compulsorily wear a neck-tie, which is actually a phallic symbol!.
" we want to share the life saving truths with our neighbors...but associate with them? NO WAY! cant do that cos they are worldly people!"
Once upon a time (in the early 1980's) a Bethelite named George Dixon came to a Special Assembly in CA and gave a talk wherein he gave this illustration: Imagine that you are present when a worshipper of Molech is resurrected. While you are witnessing to him, telling him of all the sacrifices you made to serve Jehovah, he says "oh yes, I made sacrifices too; I offered my only daughter to Molech in the fire". Dixon asked: are you going to turn away from that person because of what has been done?
His point, and the point of his presentation, was that all the people JW's will deal with in the future will be "worldly" and that JW's are not to turn away from them or reject them, but teach them "The Truth". So what's their problem in the here and now?
look for it in the yearbook next year.
there was an assembly the day of the big mudslide in washington last saturday.
a sister's life was saved because she obediently attended the assembly and thus was not home when a huge mudslide hit her neighborhood and buried and killed lots of people.
The same thing was said about the Chowchilla kidnapping (school bus hijacking). One student was absent that day to travel to an assembly so wasn't on the bus the day it was hijacked and buried. There's an article in the Awake! about it...
Wasn't there "an account" about someone missing the assembly and getting swept away in the Indonesian tsunami?
Couldn't the Baptist or Episcopalian or <insert name of denomination here> be saying the same sort of thing in their own church publications?
this was just posted to facebook.¬if_t=group_comment_reply.
by christina jones.
The student in this story may not consciously remember the lesson, but it's in there, part of the fabric of her life. When she needs validation the essence of the experience will be there for her to draw upon and, over time, she will find her way to a different "truth".
an economist report has reviewed the very far-reaching affect that corruption has in india.
unfortunately, i've reached my free reading limit, so i post this overview by a finance writer for australia's fairfax press.. link:
brisbane timesindia's corruption tragedy hurts us alldate march 25, 2014 - 3:02pm.
Precisely what agenda do you think that either the Economist or the Brisbane Times may have, in running this story?
Does the fact that the exposure is coming from "The Economist" give you any hints?
an economist report has reviewed the very far-reaching affect that corruption has in india.
unfortunately, i've reached my free reading limit, so i post this overview by a finance writer for australia's fairfax press.. link:
brisbane timesindia's corruption tragedy hurts us alldate march 25, 2014 - 3:02pm.
While all of the info on corruption may be accurate, the exposure isn't to correct the situation, it's to allow other interests access for the purpose of interjecting their own agenda.
yes that's right reopened mind and me have been married 40 years ago today.
we had a little party today at our uu congregation.
we brought wine for the pot luck dinner we had today.
Best wishes to you both!
per co last night, he mentioned in his talk that in oder for a brother to be recommended as an elder or ministrial servant he must have a regular and meaningful family worship night.
this will demostrate his willingness not to miss that important meeting and preside over his household.. so i thought, wow what a way to add to the "inspired" biblical list of qualifications.
serving jehovah is sounding more and more and more organizational..
How would they know if a meaningful family study is being held or not? Maybe they plan on dropping by unannounced?
What if the brother is single and lives alone?