JoinedTopics Started by FRUSR8TD
Moved to arizona
by FRUSR8TD inhey's been a while since i posted...(many moons)....i have been very busy working out my move from oregon to arizona....well i have been here 3 months now and love it!!
!...the wife and kids are here with me (i moved her away from all her jw family)...and we all are settleing in.
the wife has hooked up with the local kingdom hall here but step at a time...:).
by FRUSR8TD inhey all of you who have the new worship book....(my wife brought one back last week end) .
turn the very first page...(the one that has the title of the book on it) .
now on the back side of that page you will see a paragraph "to our readers" .
my letterman experience
by FRUSR8TD inhello all...thought you might like this one.
last night my wife said..."you know, there have not been anyone at my cong.
that has gone door to door and had anyone say something about dateline...i guess it was not as big as you thought".. i said ummmm...ok...(blood leeking out of my lip)... i had seen the posts about letterman here and decided to play this one cool.
The meeting my wife and I had with her elder.
by FRUSR8TD inhello all.... for those who don't wife and i have been married for almost 7 years, she had left the wt before we met.
i have never been a jw.
after 9/11 my mother in law used fear to "scare" her back into the (b)org.. ok, now 10 months later our marriage is in serious trouble.
My wife just left for the tacoma dome conv.!
by FRUSR8TD inwell wife just left this morning to the wa convention in tacoma.
i told her about the "new" book they will be giving her there...(she hates it when i know what she can expect at meetings or other things like this...thanks guys...;)....).
anyone from here going to be there?...i told her to be nice to the apostates outside...some of they may be freinds of
Comp. convention list...(I think)
by FRUSR8TD in.
found this and recalled that many here have asked for one...if this info was already posted...oops sorry..... frusr8td.
my daughter on the front page of our local news!
by FRUSR8TD in.
might take a moment to load.....
Help! Rev. 1:11, someone expain?
by FRUSR8TD inso here i am just reading my the book of revelation in my bible (nkv)..and i'm thinking "how can they read this and not see that jesus and god are the same?
so i get out my wife'ss bible (nwt) and boom there it bible has the alpha and omega refrence in rev 1:11...hers does not.
i then take a look at rev 22:19 and there it has the punishments for adding or deleting anything from this book.
SIMON......just saying thanks
by FRUSR8TD ini'm sure you get lot's of these but i just wanted to make a post saying....hey thanks.
when my wife went back to the witnesses i had a very hard time.
i made the mistake of finding all "the bad" things (note:hard to find anything else) about the (b)org.
Just a post to test my sig. line pic...
by FRUSR8TD injust testing my picture in my sig line.
edit.... nevermind....have to shrink it a little....