err, sorry didnt mean to upset anyone :(
to be perfectly honest all this info about the UN and the child abuse is news to me, I only found out about it by coming into this forum and then checking out Silent Lambs etc. I was mortified. I confronted my mum about it who is an active JW and she got really upset...(mainly because she thinks im an apostate) but when I pressed her on the issue, she knew nothing of it. See thats the whole point. Active JWs outside of the US are sheltered from all the bad press and because they dont use the net to look up 'apostate' sites and whatnot..they'll never know.
The fact that the Head Quarters is over there is also a major factor as someone else mentioned.
And I also have a little theory of my own...and I dont mean to offend any of my American friends over there but I find your culture prone to fundamentalism (please dont slap me, its just an observation lol) whereas Australians are not as 'spiritual' and dont really get fanatical about anything except beer and cricket. Now JWs as a religion is fundamentalist enough with its hardcore way of life and major literal interpretations....add a culture of fundamentalism to the mix and you have recipe for disaster. Anyway....that prolly made no sense lol.