No I don't think he is Robert King.
Check out his website, he's much more articulate than the bible student
he is on here as 'the bible student"....and he pmd me a week ago asking me if he could pm me his '1914 refute' and sent me some long tale of his interpretation of rveelation and the end:.
in response to my telling him we can not be dogmatic as to how the end will play out:no, we do know roughly how it will play, and as i have discovered, if the good news is being preached at 1st half of the 7 year tribulation period, then where does that leave the wbts after over a 100 years of false prophecy?
i think these 2 witnesses that are coming are doing this work, and they could number quite a group, and remember christ said that people would be persecuted on account of his name, but his aostles would carry his name to the most distant part of the earth.
No I don't think he is Robert King.
Check out his website, he's much more articulate than the bible student
anyone had any experiences good or bad.
i'm interested in your stories.. .
Thanks for the replies, I was hoping more people would post their experiences.
I've never had a personal experience of the supernatural but I remain open minded.
I've found it's best not to be too dogmatic on things of this nature. It never ceases to amaze me that some ex witnesses of all people seem to have retained their dogmatic and black/white thinking.
oh well
the borg.
i'm a long time lurking of this site(2 years) and a first time poster.
to provide a little background of myself i was not raised as a witness but started studying when i was 19 and got baptized at age 21. a few months after i was baptized i left due to the constant worship of the faithful and discreet slave and the lack of emphasis on christ.
for reasons i'm not sure about yet i decided to attend the district convention last week.
It's a destructive cult. Why do you think Steve Hassan mentions them in his book?
anyone had any experiences good or bad.
i'm interested in your stories.. .
My plumber used the board with 4 of his friends, it told them that 3 of them would die before they were 20. Guess what happened.
what are we waiting for now?.
why is god prolonging the suffering?.
Those scriptures don't explain anything.
I'll ask again why is a so called loving father standing by while his children suffer when he has the means to end said suffering.
anyone had any experiences good or bad.
i'm interested in your stories.. .
That's what I've read before. I frequent another board and this subject came up. The overwhelming response was a negative and sometimes traumatic experience. Especially for the unititiated.
From my own personal experience my plumber tried it with a bunch of his friends when he was a teenager with dire consequences.
I've never tried it myself and never will. Although I don't really believe in the supernatural this stuff scares the shit out of me.
on my lunch break i went to get some gas before i went to pickup a sub at subway.
i noticed that there were some tracts (in spanish) in the credit card application holding slot and just had to throw them away.
i felt sooooo good doing it too.. has anyone ever thrown away wts tracts or magazines that you've seen in a public place???.
When I used to live on my own and I ran out of toilet paper, the Watchtower and Awake were life savers!
anyone had any experiences good or bad.
i'm interested in your stories.. .
Anyone had any experiences Good or Bad. I'm interested in your stories.
what are we waiting for now?.
why is god prolonging the suffering?.
What are we waiting for now?
Why is god prolonging the suffering?
i gotta admit that i have my doubts about god.
my dad is an elder.
we were having a discussion about the bible.
These are questions only God can answer, we have freewill and use it to kill each other why?