Something Fishy
JoinedPosts by The-Borg
by tula inso that this will be no surprise to you, and so you will not be swayed in your firm stand of holy spirit truth, i give you this.. .
in the coming months expect to hear this in the kh and the mags..... "for those of you who have heard of the association of the wts and the un and have patiently and faithfully waited on jehovah, we can now tell you our reasons for doing this.
it has all been under the direction of the fds.. this library card was necessary because..... there are very old manuscripts that have never been deciphered and they have been housed within that library.. through much prayer and careful consideration, jah directed for our team of translators, which are the best and most accurate in the world, to be a part of this great uncovering of the new scrolls.".
I can't see that happening
How Many Here Have Any Ties To JW Relatives or Friends?
by minimus inare you completely jw free?
my mother in law is a witness
all three brother and sister in laws are witnesses, one are missionaries.
Need some advice
by KICKED OUT ini have not been on here in a long time but i have always valued the advice of everyone, so here goes.....i am dfd and my wife has never been a part of the org.
we are getting ready to have our first child in may.
my mother who is now living in patterson(at one of the motherships) speaks to me every 1 to 2 years.
I'm expecting my first child in 2 months also. We're both faders and my wifes family are witnesses. We've both decided that in no way will we allow our child to be subjected to the brainwashing and emotional manipulation of this organisation. The issue has not arisen yet because we've moved away from our home town so we can fade `incognito'. But we know it will arise at some point in the future.
I've seen this before with witnesses, different hats for different causes, as soon as grandchildren are involved they realise they are going to miss out. Personaly I wouldn't allow her access, as others have pointed out your child is part of you and part of your life, you cant have one without the other.
Please let us know what you decide, and all the best to you.
Anyone from Cambridgeshire/Northamptonshire (UK) here??
by The Light inhi,.
after a long time away from da witness just wondering who new is from my area on this forum?
i haven't been on here for a very long time...........
Hi and welcome,
no i'm from buckinghamshire, tell us your story.
My Current Battle
by KW13 inranting individuals need not reply.
i need encouragement and general advice, personal accounts etc.. am i a christian or am i not?
i've come to a point where i'm not sure whether or not i want to believe in anything, at the moment i'm confused as to whether i am a believer or whether i am someone recovering from indoctrination.. i feel that i've not had a 'pure' opportunity to decide if i want to be a believe and although the thought has been in the back of my mind, the conditioning has made me delay it and my current circumstances and poor health are forcing me to face it - i fear facing it will make me worse because its yet another thing i am not really mentally strong enough to deal with.. is it natural i fear what being an atheist means for me.
i am in the same boat mate, maybe we should both just take the plunge and see where the river takes us.
Yes, just hope i don't drown!
My wife was brought up as a witness, she finds it VERY painful to talk about. Being a witness and having that nice neat little package of faith and certainty can leave a big void in your life when it is taken away from you. Sometimes i wonder if i should have taked the blue pill instead?
My Current Battle
by KW13 inranting individuals need not reply.
i need encouragement and general advice, personal accounts etc.. am i a christian or am i not?
i've come to a point where i'm not sure whether or not i want to believe in anything, at the moment i'm confused as to whether i am a believer or whether i am someone recovering from indoctrination.. i feel that i've not had a 'pure' opportunity to decide if i want to be a believe and although the thought has been in the back of my mind, the conditioning has made me delay it and my current circumstances and poor health are forcing me to face it - i fear facing it will make me worse because its yet another thing i am not really mentally strong enough to deal with.. is it natural i fear what being an atheist means for me.
we cant prove the existance or non existance of god, currently i think its PROBABLE that he does exist, but this throws up all sorts of other questions about his nature, about why he allows the world to continue as it does with huge amounts of suffering and injustice.
This for me is the pivotal question. The jw reasoning that he allows this to prove he is a good ruler and clear his good name doesnt hold water with me, actually i think it proves the opposite. At the moment i just cant think of ANY logical or rational reason why an all powerful and LOVING god would tolerate this situation.
Has anybody got any ideas?
My Current Battle
by KW13 inranting individuals need not reply.
i need encouragement and general advice, personal accounts etc.. am i a christian or am i not?
i've come to a point where i'm not sure whether or not i want to believe in anything, at the moment i'm confused as to whether i am a believer or whether i am someone recovering from indoctrination.. i feel that i've not had a 'pure' opportunity to decide if i want to be a believe and although the thought has been in the back of my mind, the conditioning has made me delay it and my current circumstances and poor health are forcing me to face it - i fear facing it will make me worse because its yet another thing i am not really mentally strong enough to deal with.. is it natural i fear what being an atheist means for me.
hi kw13,
i think i'm nearly in the same place you are. At the moment a day does not go by when i don't think about this. I have concluded though that organized religion will never be for me. I'm currently reading the god delusion by richard dawkins ( a religious friend of mine told me not to read it as i would end up being an athiest). Athiesm is to me just as much an article of faith as creationism, we cannot prove or disprove the existence of god. I can see reasons for hope but also have a horrible feeling there is no happy ever after.
I am coming to the conclusion that we will just have to come to terms with uncertainty, there is no way of knowing, we simply don't have the means. Some people can live with uncertainty some cant and need faith and a hope. I will continue searching for answers but not forever, hope you find some sort of closure.
New Yearbook stats for 2007 now out!
by Dogpatch inthe report is out!.
cooking the books with 3% increase??.
I recently finished reading Carl Olof Jonsson's book on the Last Days When?. The information contained in that book details how the society manipulated and lied about information on earthquakes, famines and wars to support their agenda. I see no reason why they won't do the same with the annual figures.
If it suites their agenda they will do it. Isn't funny how on an anecdotal level we are all seeing numbers of witnesses decreasing, yet low and behold the numbers are increasing!. What a surprise too with their recent doctrinal manouvering on the generation an increase in the number of partakers! As some here have pointed out this is just a cynical move to buy themselves more time. I don't see the demise of the organistaion just yet as Gary Buss has pointed out they have a captive audience.
So I did the unthinkable
by veen ini decided enough was enough and had a no holds barred conversation with a room of around a dozen 'believers'.
a number of things had been troubling me all night, but the final straw was when my brother-in-law said 'isn't it funny how the acronym std can stand for both, sexually transmitted disease and satan the devil.'.
i couldn't stand the frustration anymore so i pointed out how irrelevant that fact was, and how if we spoke a different language the same conclusion could probably not be made.
Brilliant!, takes guts to stand up to cult thinking in front of so many people. Keep up the good work. I would love an opportunity like that.