It's full of occult symbolism... If you believe that sort of thing.
i like the movie...and is a classic.... but it has always given me the creeps!
how do flyin demon-like witches....and wizards (fake ones like the fds)...not reek of satan and his demon buddies....there are even stories about creepy things happening during the filming of the movie......... oompa.
but those little singin munchkin midgets early on just freak me out....kinda like the memorial..........
It's full of occult symbolism... If you believe that sort of thing.
tuesday night, it will be 100% obama.. who do you think??
I remember when Tony Blair was elected, the joy that people had after years of corrupt Tory goverment and the hope for a new beginning. Turns out he was just as self serving as the rest of them. I sincerely hope Obama is different but I doubt that very much. Don't forget these people who aspire to take up governance are the exact same sociopathic types that make up the governing body. We all know what pain and suffering they have caused people. It goes with the territory. On a positive note at least you now have a president in the white house that has the mental capacity above a five year old.
Just my.02
this is a question that has racked my brain.
how do we know it is from god?
we have heard this since we were born that the bible was the word of god!
The answer is........... Drum roll............. Nobody really knows.
There are arguments for and against but nothing conclusive.
It depends on you, what you want to believe. If you're looking for TRUTH then forget it you won't find any.
I'm comfortable with not knowing, living with uncertainty has it's own kind of peace.
please prove to me i'm not posting in the graveyard shift....... besty and i were talking about password protected and family's exit this last few weeks.
we are full of admiration for the way that they have left with dignity and obviously made many think.
they have not faded, they had a good repuation until the very last moment - mark was an elder - but they stopped and made the decision to be up front and face the elders in a meeting.
Hi Sweet pea and Besty,
The organization fills a need, a gap in the market. They provide a service for the emotionaly needy. As long as the needy/ weak are looking for that crutch(and there always will be) I don't see any tipping point. Some people need the organization.I know people that know it's a crock of shit but they like it, how do we pursuade them to take a stand?
I advocate just letting go. If the org implodes it will be by it's own design and stupidity. I'm all for helping people out and I do at every opportunity. Fighting against the organization though I believe is futile and a waste of our time and energy.
Look forward to seeing you both in April.
the perils of following an approach that advocates short-term trading with the allure of high profits are numerous:.
you're going to rack up enormous brokerage commissions.. on occasions where your short-term trades produce a profit, you pay high ordinary income tax rates rather than the far lower capital gains rate for investments held more than 12 months.. you're not going to make big profits- quite the reverse.
if you stick with this approach, you'll underperform the market averages.. you're going to make yourself a nervous wreck.
You're going to rack up enormous brokerage commissions.
Not if your broker is Interactive Brokers, extremely low comissions. Trading is a skill.
i have tried to be an atheist- honestly, i have really tried.
i have most of dawkins books and many others.
i completely agree there has to be some evolution and obviously the fossil record in the grand canyon plus erosion shows it must be at least 600 million years old.
Proof of science itself exists, though.
People put too much faith in science.
i have tried to be an atheist- honestly, i have really tried.
i have most of dawkins books and many others.
i completely agree there has to be some evolution and obviously the fossil record in the grand canyon plus erosion shows it must be at least 600 million years old.
I'm not surprised, science cannot prove that we're here by either chance or design. Both require faith.
1.Put them under her pillow for the tooth fairys to come and take during the night. (they usually leave 50p)
2. Carve then in to Teraphim figures and carry them around with you for good look.
3. Drill holes through them and wear them on a necklace crocodile dundee style
All the best sweetpea, hope you fell better soon.
celebrating birthdays is wrong according to the wts.
we all know their crazy reasoning on the matter.
so what are some occasions that jehovahs witnesses get involved with that give undue 'worship' to humans?
'The seat of a King', a brother proudly said at a district assembly after a governing body member had sat on it.