Who created the creator of evolution?
Who created the creator of the creator of evolution?
The original question ("Who created evolution?") doesn't make a lot of sense; evolution doesn't need a creator. Once certain initial conditions are met, it is inevitable. A more intelligent question would have been: "What caused the conditions that allowed life to evolve in our universe?" and while we can trace the steps back almost to the very beginning of the universe, there comes a point where we simply do not know the answer. Postulating a person of all things at that point is of course the height of absurdity and leads swiftly to the infinite regress alluded to above.
Creationists at least have a certain naive honesty where they simply deny the overwhelming scientific evidence for the history of our universe and declare their holy book to be true. The ostensibly more rational theists or deists have a more insidious approach, where they simply find a gap in our current knowledge and assert that the only thing that can fill that gap is a god, an intelligent complex entity whom they further declare - to avoid the infinite regress - to be an exception to the very rule that supposedly requires his existence.