I don't believe God can be known or
experienced thru the intellect/logic/reason
What else is there?
Ubi dubium ibi libertas
i'm just curious as to how many ex-witnesses here still believe in the god of the bible ?
and how many, due to the societies teachings have given up on god all together ?
I don't believe God can be known or
experienced thru the intellect/logic/reason
What else is there?
Ubi dubium ibi libertas
this present system is definitely finished.
the present system being the anglo-american dollar dominated system.
it is in the final stages of collapse as is becoming more obvious by the day.
This a common condition among Jehovah's Witnesses, especially the more fanatical ones. They read a prediction which, if true, would validate their belief system. A few mental gymnastics and suddenly "even the world can see that the end must be near." All this despite the fact that the article You Know linked to doesn't predict the end of the world, or even the crash of the dollar, it just reports that the Russian Central Bank is preparing for such a crash; The article appears in the decidedly suspect "Executive Intelligence Review." Sounds impressive, huh? A little delving brings up some interesting information about the editor Lyndon LaRouche. For example: http://www.totse.com/en/conspiracy/institutional_analysis/lhldefd.html
'Nuff said.
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okay, this need not necessarily be controversial but i would like some honest opinions on the matter.
from time to time (in last sundays wt lesson for example) i read in the magazines or hear brothers say this in their talks.
(with some variation) arent we grateful that jehovah has waited this long before loosing armageddon on mankind?
It's just another one of those things where people are so indoctrinated that whatever happens appears to affirm their beliefs. If their family are cool about the being JWs, then it's proof that even "worldly" people can see tthat it's the truth, if they object, then Satan is persecuting you. If there are wars, that proves it's the time of the end. If there are no wars, then that's the world saying "true peace and security." If the number of JWs rises, it's proof that God is blessing their work, if it falls it's proof of a separating work or it's a test from Jehovah and everything - absolutely everything - is proof that the end is near, even proof that it's not. At my brother's wedding in January, I was inexplicably seated with the bride's grandparents and other old fogies. One of them was talking about how he remembered a Watchtower article from about 20 years ago which said that the end must be very, very near. He then used that as proof that if it was very, very near then, it must be very, very, very near now. You can't argue with that kind of logic.
Ubi dubium ibi libertas
i'm just curious as to how many ex-witnesses here still believe in the god of the bible ?
and how many, due to the societies teachings have given up on god all together ?
I think the quote you're looking for is possibly one of the following:
"God created man in his own image and man, being a gentleman, returned the favor" -- Mark Twain
"If God created us in his own image, we have more than reciprocated." -- Voltaire
It's a common sentiment among freethinkers.
Ubi dubium ibi libertas
i'm just curious as to how many ex-witnesses here still believe in the god of the bible ?
and how many, due to the societies teachings have given up on god all together ?
I'm with Abaddon on this. I don't believe in gods, because I see no evidence for their existence, not because of the teachings of the Watchtower Society or any other godmongers.
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when even an environmentalist leftie admits that things are getting better, what hope is there for an early end to this system of things??.
Why do you have to have everything spelled out for you? I thought for people could figure this stuff out? Why is it beyond your grasp that both peace proclamations and the outbreak of war go hand in hand? Study history. Hitler, for example signed a non-agression pact with Stalin, and before the ink was even dry he invaded Russia. Are you such a simpleton that you cannot understand how men might be SAYING that there's peace even while they plot war? / You Know
If there's a war tomorrow, you'll say: "Look at that. Prophecy being fulfilled." If there's world peace tomorrow, you'll say the same thing, and if nothing interesting happens you'll still say the same thing. My point, You Know, which you seem more unwilling than unable to understand is that your claims are inherently untestable. Everything that happens, even mutually incompatible events, will, according to you, fulfill prophecy. What's the point of such a prophecy? What exactly does it predict? And how do we know if it's true or not?
Ubi dubium ibi libertas
when even an environmentalist leftie admits that things are getting better, what hope is there for an early end to this system of things??.
You Know said:
Sure. There are all kinds of things, like the attack of the killer clowns from outer space, apes taking over the world and that sort of thing.
That's why I included the proviso of "Vaguely plausible, at least". Are you then saying that bar such an absurd event, anything that happens can be shown to be a fulfillment of prophecy?
Here's a more concrete example: If World War 3 broke out tomorrow, would that fulfill your prophecies? If world peace was declared tomorrow, would that fulfill your prophecies? I'd appreciate it if you would actually read and answer these questions.
Ubi dubium ibi libertas
when even an environmentalist leftie admits that things are getting better, what hope is there for an early end to this system of things??.
So, if I understand you correctly, the world is definitely a terrible place right now, which fulfills prophecy, and if people believe the world is great, that fulfills a prophecy too, as does their agreeing that the world is on the decline. I want to ask you a question, You Know, is there any event or situation that could occur that is not in accordance with prophecy? Is there any imaginable (vaguely plausible, at least, please) political or economic situation which, if it occurred would disprove these prophecies?
Ubi dubium ibi libertas
when even an environmentalist leftie admits that things are getting better, what hope is there for an early end to this system of things??.
So, basically, You Know, what you're saying is that whether the world is getting worse or whether it appears to be getting better, it's all in accordance with prophecy?
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*** w97 4/15 23 weddings that honor jehovah ***.
i simply love reading the watchtower.
there is so many fine, timely advices to get, and i simply cants understand all the people here whining about the watchtower being a mind controlling cult.
My brother got married in January. My father wasn't invited because he's disfellowshipped. I hate those bastards.
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