This present system is definitely finished. The present system being the Anglo-American dollar dominated system. It is in the final stages of collapse as is becoming more obvious by the day. That is apparently now the official opinion of the Putin government in Russia. Since the collapse of the USSR, Russia, as well as all the former nations of the Soviet Union, have been at the mercy of the IMF and the dollar. In fact, for the most, part the dollar is the world's currency. As of this week Russia is putting back into circulation the gold Chervonetz in order to allow Russians to preserve their wealth by unloading the doomed dollar and buying the Chervonetz. This is a very significant development in my opinion.
The collapse of the dollar of course will not occur in a vacumn, but will inevitably be accompanied, or even preceeded, by wars and disorders of all kinds. As far as the truth is concerned, the crash of the present system will without question silence the ridiculers, who, like the doomed passengers of the ill-fated Titanic, stupidly imagine that this system is unsinkable.
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