I'm just curious as to how many ex-witnesses here still believe in the God of the Bible ? And how many, due to the Societies teachings have given up on God all together ?
To All Here..... just a question....
by 7robert7 63 Replies latest jw friends
I'm an agnostic. Since in my mind I can't conclusively prove or disprove the existence of a god, I'm not going to waste my life dwelling on it.
Not that I want to speak for anyone on this board, but just my personal opinion...a lot of ex-jw's have been hurt so badly, they seem to find it difficult to believe there is a kind and loving God. It breaks my heart sometimes, because I know the pain has to be great for someone to feel that way.
Life is a roller coaster. Get in, sit down, shut up and hang on!
Hmmm...very good question.
I am not totally sure...I guess more of an agnostic now. But I do believe that Jehovah is the right name for the God in the Bible...and that He and Jesus should be considered seperate identities.
I do believe this: That is you are going to be in a religion that professes to teach from the Bible, your practices need to reflect that. And while, I do not believe that JWs are truly a cult, (no more than Catholic, Judiasm or Protestant are cults) it has always bothered me that it is encourage that those the JWs try to convert read lit that goes against their faith, yet the JWs are not trusted to keep an open mind in reading lit that goes against JW teachings.
I think calling the WTS evil is a stretch. After all, having been in the faith for twenty years from a wee kid on I do believe that most of the JWs are sincere. But ever sincere people are imperfect. Herein lies the dilemna: How can imperfect people develop a perfect religion?
The bible talks about God knowing each person's heart. Ultimately, when it comes down to the end for us, its up to Him not the WTS, according to the BIBLE.
I am still attending meetings (for now!)
Don't believe it, JW's to be the truth anymore.
I know who THE TRUTH is, my lord Jesus Christ.
Naeblis said...
I'm an agnostic. Since in my mind I can't conclusively prove or disprove the existence of a god, I'm not going to waste my life dwelling on it.
Pray to Christ Jesus to open your heart, he will show himself to you in your very being. Don't expect a great revelation, you will know God
gradualy as he works on you by his spirit.Knowing I was duped by the WTS didn't stop me from believing, it as brought me closer to God.
Naeblis don't give up on him because you feel there is a lack of knowledge/evidence.
He is at the door knocking, he loves you and understands why you are at where you are.
Christian best wishes and prayers.
I don't FEEL there is a lack of evidence. There is. Opening my heart is a nice little game. If I do it and make a conscience effort to believe then The LORD has saved me!! If I don't feel anything then I never opened my heart to begin with. The time for blind faith is over. Believing in god has never brought me any advantage. If god wants my belief he's going to have to earn it.
Mommie Dark
The Society had nothing to do with my rejection of the Bible and its vicious god. That came years later, after I learned how to think and research on my own, after years out of the Tower searching for answers. WHen I realized what a truly horrible book the Bible is, and what a vicious selfish maniac Jehovah of the Bible is, it wasn't hard to figure out that the whole thing is just based on superstition and fear.
The Watchtower is just one of many evils perpetrated on the world by religionmongers.
You forgot to ask "And how many, due to the Bible itself, and the fact that it has proven to be nothing but a man-made book, written for a political reason, and therefore can't be trusted - have given up the fantacy and stopped being superstitious?"
Yakki Da
"The only difference between a fool and the JW legal department is that a fool might be sympathetic ."
Daily News On The Watchtower and the Jehovah's Witnesses:
http://watchtower.observer.org -
It was my quest to understand the Bible and Jesus' message more, that enabled me to open my eyes to the wrongs of the WTS, leave the WTS and to get a closer relationship with Him.
So the answer is yes, I still believe in God. I see too much evidence that he does exist ie. the universe, the way a baby grows, etc to convince me otherwise.
I still believe in God, but not that primitive, savage, tribal God of the Hebrews. That was one of many reasons I left the Dubs - they no longer had any teeth, but in their efforts to gum me to death they were made to look ridiculous.
I feel I have a real relationship now with a real understanding of the real God that lives and rules the universe of universes, and who is vastly more than a volcano god characterized by every human failing writ large.