All the quality Elders have left or died. The only thing left is when you still have newbie Elders who believe that they are to care for you and the flock. Of course they become delusioned and leave/ step down or become company men.
All the quality Elders have left or died. The only thing left is when you still have newbie Elders who believe that they are to care for you and the flock. Of course they become delusioned and leave/ step down or become company men.
As I always remind the new Eldums who haven't been warned not to hassle me.
Right and Wrong maybe Black and White, but Discernment is all the shades of grey in between!
Beyond this yes I deem myself an Extremist in the sense that my best quality is my worst quality!
hello, yes the scotsman has returned, but i have been naughty .
i have been doing some of my own research on the internet etc regarding jws and some doctrinal issues.. i have had some doubts for a while but am beginning to think that some of our current teachings are simply unsustainable.. example - the 1914 timeframe.. the reason that this is so pivotal is that it is a foundation stone of the organization.
evidence is easily available to prove that this date is unsafe.. many on here speculate about revolution in the organization etc, if 1914 was moved it would have a catastrophic effect on the ordinary publisher and would lead to big change across the congregations.
I can only think of the following scriptures:
Proverbs 3: 13 Happy is the man that has found wisdom, and the man that gets discernment,
Ecclesiastes1:18For in the abundance of wisdom there is an abundance of vexation, so that he that increases knowledge increases pain.
So here we find that knowledge is good but with that comes the burden of responsiblity. As the saying goes "Ignorance is Bliss" but the "Truth will set you Free". Free from what though. IMHO freedom from the slavery of men. The WTBS is run by men, and men can choose to serve Jah or themselves. The Apostle Paul said in 1Cor 7:23 Y OU were bought with a price; stop becoming slaves of men.
Please do not follow the recent "ENDORSEMENTS" of the WTBS, please read your Bible and search the scriptures (hebrew and greek) as ENDORSED BY THE BIBLE 1 Thes 5:28 Make sure of all things; hold fast to what is fine.or as other translations render it "Test all things, hold fast to what is good" or Acts 17:11 follow the example fo the Beroeans carefully examining the Scriptures daily as to whether these things were so.
Jesus said in Mt 11:25-30 "Come to me, all YOU who are toiling and loaded down, and I will refresh YOU . 29 Take my yoke upon YOU and learn from me, for I am mild-tempered and lowly in heart, and YOU will find refreshment for YOUR souls. 30 For my yoke is kindly and my load is light.”.
God bless and keep you and yours safe
WOW talk about selling it !!!!!
This guy could sell left over "miracle wheat"
oh well, like babes still needing milk........he milked it straight from the WTBS teat.
makes me hungry for MEAT.............!!!!!!
those who aren't in the truth i feel much pity for you.
all of you are filled with much hatred and anger that all you can do is blast out of your stupid mouths horrible things about the one true religion.
i feel sorry for you that you will not have ever lasting life.
Welcome to the board The333
If you are truly an "active" witness, and you have decided to come "fishing for men here" I suggest you try using Knorrs "soft" sale approach as it has proven more effective then Rutherfords in your face preaching style. (Please feel free to search CD for the member #s as a comparison). Also I would like to state as a long time lurker here that most (even the most angriest) are here because they were:
stumbled (deeply)
former or fading elders disgusted with the more corporate/cronyism and lack of spiritual and loving content.
are shocked by last years changes including the unadvised searching of scripture (after all, all Bible translations have some errors as humans are the translators, but that said if the NWT is all that it claims to be then they should invite all to check the Hebrew/Greek Interlinears as it would prove they have the truth!)
abused by bad shepherds (power over another can corrupt, certainly Satan would take advantage of such human weakness and imperfection)
Sexual abuse victims...... (recently settled a case with 16 victims (gag order) but interestingly in the Texas case the hired gun...stated in court filings that there was NO relationship of TRUST(fiduciary) between Cong/Sheep and Elders/Shepherds) So this leads us to believe that they do not hold onto the "Jehovah has entrusted the Shepherds to keep the Cong/Flock clean" speech that allows disfellowshipping. It also means that we sheep are on our own when it comes to the wolves in sheeps clothing.
are convinced that with the UN membership (regardless on how you spin it pro or con) caused us to recieve a "marking" from what has always been regarded as the Beast.
were Df-ed in an unfair manner.
felt strongly a "lack of love"
Were tired of the WTBS speaking where the Bible is silent on secular matters (ie College) Causing us to ponder the Apostle Pauls counsel in 1Cor telling us that we have been "bought and to stop making ourselves slaves to men"
The flip flopping
Were disturbed by the lack of "charity" and support of widows and fatherless children. ( ie why sale Circuit Cars when they can donate them to needy JW families or to the KHs to be used for Field Service....SEE
So if it is your intent to continue posting make sure your comments do not further stumble these ones. Be upbuilding.....Some other JWs have already torn them down.
Be careful you too can become labeled an "APOSTATE" and be DF-ed just for view this site let alone posting!
That said the waters are teeming .........cast a line
Y (sorry yall for long post)
about 3 years i decided enough of being "content" with the fact that i had a decent job, if i was going to work, i wanted to do something that i loved.
i've always wanted to get into medicine.
but being that i was 23, married, owned a home, worked full time and never went to college, it wasn't going to work out for me to just enter into college and then proceed onto medical school.
I just wanted to share with you a program at Texas Tech. If you achieve a BS in any field (ex Gen Studies via online) then you can "switch" to BSN if you first obtain a CNA license that can be valid in Texas. It is a one year course and does require you to do clinicals in Texas but again all the "classes" are online. Your dreams don't have to fade. Also an ASN is only 2 years of school here in Texas. Something to consider if you ever feel like taking that plunge again. Also Texas is a compact state.
Check it out on their site
If you live far away from Texas and don't wanna come and hang with us down south........then make sure to keep checking the nursing programs in your state, many changes in class delivery are happening all the time esp due to nursing shortages. Also many states including TX allow for BSNs to become college instructors, which is a nice part-time job, perfect for in-betweens and retirement...((think Teachers Retirement Lobby Money))))
PS I don't know how much you make now but in nursing the big thing is "travel" nursing. This doesn't mean you actually have to go anywhere, it is just a temp job. Usually the agency pays about $10-15 more an hour (in my area that averages from $34(RN)-60(MSN), they pay for travel expense (if local it covers gas), give you housing allowance( you can choose money or agency apt), insurance (excellent benefits!), CEs (keeps you updated or exposes you to other expertise), and my all time favorite perk......BONUSES (usually $750-3000) after completed assignments.
Best Wishes
Y .
santa barbara nuns possibly forced out of home to pay for priest sex scandal .
friday, september 07, 2007 .
Didn't the WTBS recently let-go some Bethelites and aren't they selling WTBS farmlands and other props?
Maybe the Pope will be announced as one of the New GB as part of a merger to consolidate and minimize damages.
So sad for the women, please pray for their deliverance from this tribulation.
the question does say it is witnesses getting these study groups up.
one scripture you will not hear during the part is the one scripture jesus himself spoke of small groups getting together, this one:.
matt 18:20 "for where there are two or three gathered together in my name, there i am in their midst.".
This was totally glossed over at my KH, maybe 2 seconds spent on it, warning of spiritual endangerment and satans snares that the WTBS was trying to protect us from.
Here is my question I wanted to ask but I know I would never be called on....
Why the clamp down
Treat all DAs, DF's as the Devil, Higher Education the Devils Schools, and Media limitations
Is another GB writing a book? Was there a major revival of Bible study at Bethel? Why is the Public Sunday Talk and Watchtower becoming so "secret society"? What up with pinning the sheep in such closed quarters ( in AG that is only done when you get ready to fleece them......)
If there are any Bethelite lurkers please shed some "light©"
I am not looking for negativity but it is sure hard to miss.
I love my religion I just can't stand the Jerk Idiots running it!
it f*cks me off that this happened only a few years ago but no one in my office has yet to even mention it.
it was such a pivotal event:.
i was driving from fontana to chino in california dressed in service clothes.
I was driving my then 2 year old daughter to wee-tumble. Stopped at the last light in our town. I was stunned. I silently prayed for those whose lives where destroyed buy such an act of hate. Then my brain immediately switched to the reality of the US economy and remembered the after effects of war in the modern era. Money. I thought how stupid this group was, in its efforts to take something down, they had instead stirred it up. The war was unavoidable, men never know how to back down.
my husband and i have been inactive for almost 8 months.
we haven't gone to a meeting and slowly our jw friends have stopped associating with us because we're "weak".
at some point, we'll be celebrating holidays.
The only way to avoid being Df'ed is to either live in secrecy or take the plunge and write a letter of DA, actually only your husband has to write one. Depending on Eldership, in mine I am under the headship of my husband and if he wants a tree then I must comply but keep my heart from enjoying the holidays. Best Wishes to your family