Obamas biggest mistake here was attempting to bail out big banks and car companies . The fact that CEO's are still pocketing billions is proof of that. He should have let the economy collapse completely and rebuild like 1929. No big deal that the real estate market would correct. That is real free enterprise. Just leave it alone. Creating a debt load like the USA has now, could be unpayable in the near future. So a few million people go bankrupt. Let the economy fix itself. However here is the problem with all this. Jobs. America, you need to eliminate the minimum wage. How else can you compete with China? Can't do that?, it's a world market with people prepared to work for a buck a day. Work for whatever you can find. Sound harsh? Tough. You think you have it bad? Look at Haiti. Total collapse. No food, no infrastructure, no doctors.
That's free enterprise. Everyone look out for themselves.
As you can see in my profile that I am not from the USA. Here is Canada we take care of ourselves a wee bit better. Socialized health care is not considered evil. Regulating banks is not a commie plot, and our country is not in grave financial peril. At least so far. Problem here is that our fearless leader thinks we must remain in Afghanastan. They also want to raise taxes, while raising their salaries (happens all the time). We are now in a big debt load too. Way too much money wasted. Our saving grace is near zero interest rates. Affordable health care helps too.
Your newly elected politician will be told to vote against health care choices. He will be remembered for this. But I always thought that free enterprise supported choices. Well as long as so many people make big bucks in the health care industry, with less competition, your country will NEVER have affordable health care. And that's truly sad for those who cannot afford it right now.
Although one of the posters above said that Bush caused the earthquake, which is silly, everyone knows that Satan caused the earthquake, according to Pat Robertson. Same brainless insensitive comments that will keep the USA bankrupt (except for the lucky few) long after Obama is just a footnote in Wikipedia.