JoinedTopics Started by worldtraveller
The End is Soon. For real this time. Maybe?
by worldtraveller in
should i cancel my trip to mexico and start praying?
Top 10 signs you are a Fundamentalist Christian. Not my top 10 though.
by worldtraveller intop ten signs you're a fundamentalist christian .
10 - you vigorously deny the existence of thousands of gods claimed by other religions, but feel outraged when someone denies the existence of yours.
9 - you feel insulted and "dehumanized" when scientists say that people evolved from other life forms, but you have no problem with the biblical claim that we were created from dirt.
Maybe we should just kill the birds.
by worldtraveller ini haven't been here too often lately because i noticed recently there seemed to be many angry posts.
anyway, now it is my turn to vent.. i read this on just minutes ago and i cannot believe what i was reading.
i am shocked and saddened that anyone would produce such a statement.
Jesus gave his life for so many.
by worldtraveller ingot a little orange flyer today in the mail aparrently asking me if i wish to go to a memorial.. my first question is: is that title statement accurate?
quote "for so many".
i thought he gave his life for everyone.
Team Canada barely beats the Slovacs.
by worldtraveller inso it's canada vs. the usa.
on sunday.
a rematch.
How many on this board are multi-millionaires?
by worldtraveller inpalin refers to herself as one of the little people, as in the above post, but i believe she has quite a bundle in assets and cash.. so multi-millionaires are "little people"?
don't you have to be filthy rich to be an elitist?
yet more hypocracy from this thumper..
Watched the Olympic flame go by my street corner today!
by worldtraveller ineven though our fearless leader in victoria is spending it like the last days, i hope everything works out for all competitors!.
good luck to all involved.
we'll be paying for it for decades.. sorry that global whatever has melted all the snow at cypress.
Viewpoint from Manager of our local newspaper.
by worldtraveller ineveryone here should read this.
here is the link:. .
Aparrently images are a no no.
by worldtraveller inaccording to the lastet jw mags, it is a no no to worship images.
the magazine used many images to make their point.
dumb asses all.
Hillary campaign completely derailed this morning.
by worldtraveller inmotorcade police escort cyclist killed.. .