JoinedTopics Started by blueviceroy
Do something that makes a difference in this world .
by blueviceroy inwhat can i do to make the world better?.
what can i do to change the world for the better?.
i have joined several on line communities that cater to these very questions.
If you like internet radio you will really like this site.
by blueviceroy in .
it's got one for you maybe it has two.
i hope you like it as much as i do..
Sunday 9th is a special day this year! Please add your love !
by blueviceroy inplease join the world wide meditation 9:00 pm.
new york time .
it starts and goes for 24 hrs .
I offer this to any who is interested .
by blueviceroy ini enjoy reading different views on the nature of humankind , so i look for them all the time , while i find no all encompassing theory i do occasionally find things worth sharing, this link is interesting and maybe you will find something of interest as well.. . enjoy.. the stuff in the side bar is a little more meaty than the rant about the current outburst of "making it happen" philosophies abounding currrently.. i'll keep posting more sites as i find them , nothing will be conected prolly but i like to share things i find..
How many Fundamentalists study other beliefs?
by blueviceroy indo dyed in the wool believers ever look beyond the borders of what they are taught?.
how many people go to the grave having been exposed to only one school of thought?.
that is the real crime , ignorance and lack of choice, not any particular belief..
I found one for all the doomsday prophets to enjoy.
by blueviceroy inhere is some fodder for the all the people who like to predict the end of the world.
i hold no stance on this issue but thought some fuel for dissent would be welcome , i'm going to the kitchen to get some popcorn . .
I don't wanna be a Group!
by blueviceroy inwhat happens when you feel labeling what what you hold to be real would be wrong?.
what school of thought is that?.
to whom do i go to when i need to be a part of something greater than myself?.
Just read this conversation , enjoy.
by blueviceroy init's rather lengthy and the title will no doubt put some off ,but it is a very good read non the less, i hope you take the time to read it.. .
Do like this music?
by blueviceroy in
this guy kills me with his hand made music..