I personally do not know, but they deserve to be.
is it so that the 10 members of the governing body have never been married or had any children at all in their lives?
i find this astonishing if is true!
I personally do not know, but they deserve to be.
how many of you know of instances where total devotion to the borg resorted in financial ruin?.
here is an example of what one family i knew had to do to survive:.
and this family is still in the borg.
I was unemployed for 10 mos, 3 years ago. I had over 100 resumes out there in the first 3 months and NOTHING. I figured if I had a BA I wouldn't have been in that situation. I too have a lot of gratitude towards the Borg.
as i've said a billion (well - at least ten, lol) times here before, i consider myself an atheist that wouldn't mind believing in a god if sufficient grounds to do so were presented to me.. as such, i have been toying with the idea of going on a spiritual journey, to see what i could find.
i was for a time thinking of making a thread here - in all seriousness and sincerity - where i would let you take part in several (possibly, unless i found what i was looking for right away) such steps, in which i would first 'test' the episcopalian (and some other christians') approach and sincerely ask jesus to enter my heart as my saviour and so on.
and that if i indeed experienced something from it, so be it - i would have to accept it and live by it.
I have only one thought regarding all religions. There are a multitude of races, cultures and personalities and therefore a variety of religions, beliefs and values. I feel we each have to do what we feel is right, what is comfortable for each of us. No religion or belief is going to be perfect. And NOBODY should judge what you decide is best for YOU.
You have a good heart, keep it that way and just do good all your days and you will fare well.
My opinion!
back to oregon!!
here now, have to go clear some stuff up in ca, should be here permanent-like in a couple weeks!
Have a safe & enjoyable move. CU when you get back!
how will this affect canadian exports to the us....
to my Canadian friends. It's only them truckers who are bad on the road. The majority come from India. If that's the reason? They always pull out into the passing lane right in front of a fast moving vehicle, go slow and try to pass up someone, by going 1km/h faster than, then cause a traffic jam in the passing lane and then decide they can't attempt the pass after all and pull back over. What's that all about? A lot of time these truckers will pass up other BC truckers and are driving side by side. Smiling at each other maybe?
Sorry, I know this got into another discussion.
how will this affect canadian exports to the us....
I only know it's bringing more & more Canadians into Washington State for some fantastic shopping deals. It hasn't stopped the truckers from coming across the border. The truckers from up there are awful on the freeways. I don't know where they got their drivers license. I think from Wal-Mart.
i have found the quintessential line to describe a successful, longtime marriage.
i found it, of all places, in a jimmy buffet song.
Those lyrics are worth pondering over in regards to all relationships. Thanks!
Applying the lyrics to the WTBTS, looks like we got around them and/or climbed over them because we are still on His side....i.e. GOD's side and not humans. :-)
dear friends,.
i enjoyed rereading comments that you had made about your favorite [and most hated!
] school teachers.
Just recently I had a teacher at the college who was teaching things that were not true. I questioned my doctor about one of these claims that teacher made and she denied it totally. This annoyed me because this teacher's motive was to teach us to not be so gullible. I can appreciate that, but I think ALL teachers should teach the truth so that when someone comes along and makes a false claim we have our schooling to back us up to prove them wrong. I think his attitude is a fault in teaching ethics.
P.S. There ought to be a law!
Thanks for the links!
i was thinking about how "against" the watchtower so many are.
we are outspoken about it and want people we love to get out too.
we are very vocal about it...more so than a-lot of people are when they leave a religion.
Who would know the real truth more than us? We've been there, done that and can speak from experience. If that alone isn't a witness.