Thanks for the update Marion. Give Trev our love and hugs!
trev should be home soon, his best mate took him to the pub, while julie drove trev's car back here.
they are due back anytime, they said 7ish, and it's that time now.
he's had a few beers, which i think will do him good, and we are getting him some food ready.
Thanks for the update Marion. Give Trev our love and hugs!
think about it---witnesses proclaim that their identifying mark is love.
they are the "most loving organization in the world".
they personify christ and are the only "true christians".
In their wildest dreams maybe.
i am a nondenominational christian and i was wondering how jehovah's witnesses view god regarding his providence.
do they believe that he is in control of the ongoings of earth and with our life at all times or sometimes or not at all?
do they feel god knows the number of our days and takes us when it is time to go?
It seems that all humans have a different perspective and belief of who God is and what He is doing. I think He's in control of the whole universe but let's things occur on this planet because it was our plan to live on this earth the way we do, suffer the way we do and die at the time we planned. I believe that we do have a spiritual life that we lived before coming on this planet and will have again when we die and who knows where we will end up. That's my belief now after reading books from Sylvia Browne, because it makes a whole lot more sense to me than what any church teaches. Life is a mystery anyway. Nobody knows anything 100%, therefore, nobody can claim what is factual or fictional. We are free and have the privilege of believing what we want.
so you found out the jehovah's witness religion/cult was bogus.
congratulations, it's a step in the right direction.
now all you have to do is escape the cult of christianity.. while other christian groups are (perhaps arguably) less controlling (on the whole), the foundation christianity rests on is bogus too.
To: Jacethespace:
Your thoughts about this universe is why I myself believe we do live on and on. I think we planned to live on this planet to experience what we do and after death, we may be on another planet experiencing yet something else. How are we supposed to know? God never told us, so no human can tell us anything factual.
hello my friends .
well, i just wanted to share our special day with you guys too , because you folks have become close like family to us !
for mrs. flipper and myself being in our late 40's, early 50's, with all the challenges we had over the years before we met, being with the wrong people who took advantage of our kindness when we were both in other relationships , we truly do feel it is a miracle that her and i finally found each other later in life and found real happiness in a marriage.
Congratulations. I wish you both many more happy years to come. You two definitely deserve each other. Keep it that way! Bless You both!
That's the bottom line. Well said. Thanks!
in the past week, i inadvertantly made a snide comment to someone new here on this board.
i sometimes can come across more abrasive than i think i am.
i would like to apologize to anyone else that i may have offended here over the years.
To: Lisavegas!
That's a cute pic. Does that mean words can hurt us? Yepp! So I'm with JK too, we all need to continue to be considerate. I too hope I never say anything bad. If I ever do....never hesitate to tell me to shut-up!
JK, you're forgiven...but only this one time!
"I Can Dream, Can't I" I liked this song because it reminded me of something that could have been sung back in the 40's
Btw, I got to see them in concert in 1974 in Pocatello, ID. almost got a speeding ticket to avoid getting their late, 80mph on a 55mph freeway, my husband at the time was driving. We got there a couple minutes late, but got in free too. *heehee*
what's with the never changing photo's?
they are exactly the same as they were when i tried to study 15 years ago!!
is this yet another way to keep everyone in the dark?
They are running out of ideas. Or the smart ones (their former artists) left the Borg too.
i should introduce myself, since this is my first post.
i'm actually not an ex-jw, but rather someone who has just lost his faith in a different church, the mormon church.
i've long suspected that in terms of the organizational aspects of our two churches, how they hook you mentally, how they condition you, how they socialize you and make it very hard to leave, from an abstract level there's really not a dime's worth of difference.
Welcome Seth!
Wow, what a difference to read a posting from an Ex-Morman. Your story was super duper interesting. In my last posting I made the comment that there are numerous religions for the numerous varieties of people on this earth and nobody should criticize others for what they believe. Who has the right anyway to tell us we have to believe this or that or not believe this or that?
Your time in Europe, I can only imagine what that was like. I had lived a number of years in Germany and the people there are sooooooooooooo cold-hearted when it comes to God. The only reason that the church doors are still open, is because the people have a church tax deducted from their payroll. NO JOKE. Then of course, they think if they die, they won't get a church funeral, nor have their babies baptized if they don't contribute to these church taxes. The majority only attend church on the holidays. Anyway, the point I was wanting to make, was that whether it's the JW's or the Mormans going door to door, in Europe, it is no fun. But...was it ever fun at all? Not really. We had to get up on Saturday mornings early instead of sleeping in and then go out and wake those who were still sleeping.
Thanks for sharing with us your story. I hope because of all your relatives, that you will be able to stick to your decision to stay away and just keep listening to that inner is always right.
God Bless You and we look forward to more postings from you. The similarities are very similar indeed.