Looks just like you!
check out my new avatar!
so the opposite of a sweet face, but he's so adorable.
i love his nose!
Looks just like you!
why the governing body calls us "apostates".
in their article about "propaganda" the governing body explains that one of the "tricks and tactics" that "cunning propagandists" use is "name-calling".
"name-calling slaps anegative, easy-to-remember label onto a person, a group, or an idea.
RE: The Interview
No facts, no truths and messages through their sources....not even inspired by God????? That says alot right there.
i haven't heard about it, but what about them dead sea scrolls that were found years ago?
since i haven't seen them yet, i can't help wonder if it's even true that such scrolls were found.
why are they not out there for the public, i.e.
I haven't heard about it, but what about them Dead Sea Scrolls that were found years ago? Since I haven't seen them yet, I can't help wonder if it's even true that such scrolls were found. Why are they not out there for the public, i.e. IN PRINT...for all to read? I'll believe everything when I see it.
my ex and i did for several years in our new home.
i was excited at first because that meant we were "good" dubs.
after about 6 months someone stuck their finger in our candle we had burning in the bathroom and splashed wax all over our new bathroom wall.
I did. Brand new carpetting too and one sister came in with muddy shoes and walked around and after a few min. said, "Oh, did I do that? Sorry!" Everyone else had the decency and kindness to take their shoes off. BTW, I also had a meeting for FS in my home as well, once a week.
why the governing body calls us "apostates".
in their article about "propaganda" the governing body explains that one of the "tricks and tactics" that "cunning propagandists" use is "name-calling".
"name-calling slaps anegative, easy-to-remember label onto a person, a group, or an idea.
".......if they had told the truth in the first place who would have wanted to have anything to do with this religion in the first place"
So true. Another thing that always convinced me of their lack of honesty (and yet I still stayed with them?) if they had the REAL truth, listening to what others said would not have been an issue because they would have been totally convinced, "inspirationally", that what they believed was 110% accurate.
what's up with this wave of people forgetting their babies are in the car?
i'm a certifiable dingbat but i never forgot my kids were in the car.
if i ever did, i can't see it happening for more than a few minutes and then running back to the car to get them.
Some 9 yr olds, should NEVER be left alone, not even for 10 min. I think it depends on the child. My daughters at age 9, would have been ok alone, but my son? I would have worried about him getting into things. But isn't it the law, no child under 12 can be left alone????? *forgot*
what's up with this wave of people forgetting their babies are in the car?
i'm a certifiable dingbat but i never forgot my kids were in the car.
if i ever did, i can't see it happening for more than a few minutes and then running back to the car to get them.
Leaving kids alone in cars or anywhere is just wrong and here is a case of a 9 yr. old girl, in Germany who got back at her stupid JW mom. To this day, I still have to laugh:
The mother would go downstairs (3 flights of stairs) to the local bakery and local grocerystore which was less than a block away. But before departing, she would ask her daughter if she would be ok for a 1/2 hr or so, until the mom returned. The daughter said YES! So, now the mom leaves and as soon as she is down the stairs, out the door and walking down the street, her daughter opens the window and yells out, "HELP, MY MOM IS LEAVING ME ALL ALONE UP HERE!" On one hand I felt sad for the mother to have such a braty kid, but....on the other hand maybe it taught the mom too, not to leave her child alone. Nice impression to the neighborhood of a JW, huh?
i just want to know how many believers know how the book we call the bible came to be, i know the answer but i'm curious to see how many believers really know.
?????????????? Not too many responses to your question. That tells me, we as former JW's were never taught that. I guess I'm just as ignorant. I can only guess that it came to be via scholars who wrote things down on scrolls, as in the Dead Sea Scrolls and were well preserved over time????
P.S. Fill us in. THX!
what's up with this wave of people forgetting their babies are in the car?
i'm a certifiable dingbat but i never forgot my kids were in the car.
if i ever did, i can't see it happening for more than a few minutes and then running back to the car to get them.
And that in a major city too. Some people really are dingy. I have 4 kids and NEVER left them alone either. One thing that annoys me though, in Germany, I'm guessing, it is NOT against the law to leave a child home alone. Back in the late 70's, a cousin of mine over there, him and his wife would go out for a few hours at least once a week, and left their (then) 2 yr. old alone while he slept. I questioned him about that and his reply, "If he's sound asleep, what can happen?" GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! I once read, that a child can wake up during that time, cry for it's parents, cry for a long time and then out of exhaustion cried itself back to sleep. The parents come home later and with a smile on their faces see how peaceful their child is sleeping. If they only knew. Then there is a danger of a fire, even from a toaster or radio. I still doubt that they made it a law.
what's up with this wave of people forgetting their babies are in the car?
i'm a certifiable dingbat but i never forgot my kids were in the car.
if i ever did, i can't see it happening for more than a few minutes and then running back to the car to get them.
From what I have read, in some cases, the child is asleep in the backseat's child's restraining seat, and the parent driving doesn't know the kid is in there because the other parent had originally planned to take the child him/herself in their vehicle. A crazy mixup and the child sleeping soundly left the parent in the dark. How sad to hear the end results of an innocent mixup *sniff*