So where does the Bible even mention "A" or "THE (G)reat (T)ribulation. Every translation I've read says 'there will be great tribulation' with no definite articles assigning it totally to one time period. As far as I can tell, there is not 'A' Great Tribulation or 'THE' Great Tribulation...only great tribulation. Is this an event that affects everyone at the same time? Tribulation is whatever an individual feels is tribulation to them. Beloved family pet dies-tribulation. You are starving to death and beloved family pet dies,your kids die and your house is destroyed with all of their memories in a tsunami-great tribulation. Tell the people left Myanmar that "THE" great tribulation is coming. They have great tribulation.JMHO SOURCES: Matthew 24:21
JoinedPosts by gnulite
The Great Tribulation?
by Blueblades inbesides talking about the great tribulation and using it to scare the rank and file that it is coming real soon, when was the last watchtower study that dealt with this subject in - depth?.
i think it was somewhere in the nineties.
anyone remember and know when the watchtower did an in - depth study on this teaching?.
Sunday's WT Study Article (May 18)
by FairMind inthis sundays watchtower lesson is titled who is wise and understanding among you?.
its mostly a rehash of past material concerning the need to be cooperative with fellow christians for the peace of the congregation.
however, i suspect that whole point of this study article is actually contained in paragraph 14 where it talks about elders who might be removed from their position if they are deemed by the body and the co as no longer meeting the scriptural qualifications laid out for the position.
yknot, I must have missed something here, hope I'm not reading too much into this but- "week of their lives to learn how to search the CD" Is that what the 5-day Elder school in Patterson about?
What is Armageddon then????
by The Scotsman inhi folks.
as many of you will know i am having serious doubts regarding many of the jw teachings and doing some research myself, very enlightening.. my point - .
the bible clearly mentions armageddon, a destructive event, gods war.. jws believe this will happen soon and destroy all the wicked but let the righteous remain.
The Scotsman,
You're probably right about the next big gnulite..... 1914....
But think about the phrase "make disciples of people of all the nations" Mt 28:19.... means make disciples of people of all nationalities and not of nations or in nations.... every word is inspired right? You can't can't read it "Make disciples....of all the nations". Same with "the war of the great day of God the Almighty"....can't read it "war...of God the Almighty" and drop out "the great day of..."
What is Armageddon then????
by The Scotsman inhi folks.
as many of you will know i am having serious doubts regarding many of the jw teachings and doing some research myself, very enlightening.. my point - .
the bible clearly mentions armageddon, a destructive event, gods war.. jws believe this will happen soon and destroy all the wicked but let the righteous remain.
The bible clearly mentions Armageddon, a destructive event, Gods war
Where does it say this?
Rev 16:14 "the war OFthe great day ofGod the Almighty."
Gnulite perhaps maybe quite possibly soon to be heard it here first
The first OF is the only one relevant to the war.... of God the Almighty has reference to the great day NOT the war. Therefore this is referring to a timeframe for a war that takes place DURING this Great Day(unknown time period) of God the Almighty and not who's war it is. Or am I reading this tooooo slowly?