Hello. I hope I can answer your question. Your question seems to have some different ideas mixed together so I will do my best to explain.
First, God bringing judgment on all Adam and Eve's descendents isn't entirely accurate. Why? If God brought judgment on all of us we would all be going to hell, we'd all be eternally separated from God. But judgment against sin for all believers fell on Christ. Thats why the Bible said, "Therefore there is now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus (Rom 8:1). Like if you owed a billion dollar fine and you simply cannot pay it, either you pay the fine or do the time, yet if someone else steps in to pay your fine for you then justice is met by the fine being paid and you can go free. This is what Messiah has done and its a free gift of God, not of works we can do. People show they are the people of God by receiving the one who stepped into time and space to pay our fine of sin. So God's judgment against every human being for sin isn't completely accurate.
Two, let me sum up your second point. "God created evil humanity or evil but judges us for our evil. This is unloving and sick." I see a problem or misconception about humanity, God and evil in your question. Please don't take this to heart. First, when God made Adam and Eve, He had made them good, and had given them the ability of free choice. Without free choice humans would be mere puppets or robots awaiting every command. Second and thirdly, God is not the author of evil, He allowed for the potential for evil. Adam and Eve's free will would not have truly been free if their was no potential for evil.
Next, "innocent people" according to the Bible as you may already be aware there is none good, no not one, there is none who seeks after God. We have all sinned and fall short of God's standard of goodness. What standard are you applying in saying there are innocent people? If all humanity is guilty of sin against God then none of us are innocent. If we were innocent and God judged us then yes he would be unjust. I dont believe this is the case though.
Finally, Adam and Eve did chose to sin against God. And as a result their offspring did inherit their sinful nature. And we sin everyday, maybe not taking the fruit of the forbidden tree but in other ways. We willingly rebel against our creator. When God confronted Adam about eating the forbidden fruit, "Why have you done this?" He played the blame game and blamed his wife. Then Eve played along and blamed the serpent. Who's fault was it in the garden? Adam and Eve's! Are you going to continue playing this blame game also? Has anyone made you lie? Steal? Not love God? Not love your fellow man made in God's image? Blame yourself. If you come to a place that you understand that you sin willingly against God and you are responsible for your sins to God, then God's true love for you may make more sense. How much does God love you and desire that you come to a place of repentance? God demonstrated His love toward you that while you were a sinner Christ died for you. God love for you and God's love for justice is both demonstrated on the cross.