So you are saying that God, whether Father, Son or Holy Spirit, that a man named Jesus, called Christ, who walked the earth, died on a cross and rose again was imaginary? That the Christian faith is something born in the minds of human beings? Is this what you believe now? Do you then believe that all belief systems originate in the mind of man?
Next I can agree with you that if there was no Adam and Eve, Christianity would disappear. Many people have made claims that Christianity would die out, I think John Lennon was one of them. But its still alive and growing.
When you were a professing Christian did you read your Bible? I’m just wondering because Mark 4 and Matthew 13 explains much concerning a genuine believer versus an unbeliever or make believer. I’m not putting you down. I mention this because I have met people in the past who professed to be Christian then some time passes and they arent anymore. The Bible does talk about this and tells us why this happens. In essence they were never born again. The Bible does tell us that "whom God called, He also justifies, and whom He justifies He also glorifies" meaning that God calls some to salvation and all who is called in the end is glorified. Whom God calls He loses none of them. There is no backsliders in heart amongst the people of God. Why because God has changed their hearts, its not the work of man. This is very different from imagining or feelings which change.
Have you thought why the apostle Paul whom had power, influence, money, had it made so to speak, was a Pharasee on his way up the corporate ladder and was a Roman citizen which allowed him much in a Roman world, to turn from all this and give it up as worthless? Paul persecuted Christians, throwing some into jail and participated or oversaw the stoning of Stephen the first Christian martyer. He thought he was doing God’s will by persecuting Christians and stamping out a false sect. Paul had everything one could dream of back then.
What made him give up all this? The answer is in the book of Acts, the resurrected Jesus who came to him.
For me if this was mere feelings I think I would have left Christianity with you. But its more then this. Anyone can learn about God but knowing God because He lives in you through the gospel of Christ is much different. I didn’t grow up in the Church, I once loved my sin, sex outside of marriage, partying and a whole lot more. But I lost a love for sin and gained a love for God through Christ. God supernaturally changed me and He does this for everyone who repents and believes the gospel.