My moment of truth came when I was driving my car out in service one day past a jewish synagogue. I saw these small hasidic jewish kids, with the top hats on and long spiralled side burns. It was amazing how time stood still as I watched these kids, and it was at that moment I said to myself, wow!! those poor kids have their lives completely mapped out for them from such a young age, they have absolutely no choice in how they will worship God. Then it hit me! Neither did I. It was at that point I decided to do a totally unprejiduced search into my own upbringing. Didnt take long for me to see how badly I was deceived being brought up in the cult they call Jehovahs witnesses.
JoinedPosts by GeddyLee
For those of you raise in the "truth" a Question
by obiwan ini myself was raised in the "truth" til i was df'd at the age of 21. i have often wondered that if i were allowed to grow up just as every other child did in the u.s. would i have been interested in looking at the organization and taking interest?
do any of you think and wonder the same thing?
Theocratically Approved JW Party (Gathering) Games
by Stephanus in.
well, it's just another post-dumb-scans-from-wt-literature/caption/amusing comments thread.
to get the ball rolling is this image from the 1986 publication, true peace and security: how can you find it?.
ok brothers, and sisters, its time to play blind folded "who cut the cheese". Elder smelly butt in the front of the line, looks like he's really pushing out a real doozy.
by UnDisfellowshipped inthe following picture is from the watchtower, february 15th 1975 issue, page 100:.
" book, 1988, page 52:.
" book, 1988, page 127:.
When I was a kid I distinctly remember one of my parents giving me a good old fashioned bed time story from that paradise lost book. Yes those pictures of little girls being swallowed up along with their dolls into the earth, with lightning and tornados all around was just what an eight year old needed to send him into a nice relaxing sleep. What was most notable about all of these pictures posted was the amount of times the UN building in Newyork was shown being obliterated.Seeing that the Watchtower was a member in good standing for a decade, this was actually a self fullfilling prophecy, and the ONLY prophecy that they may get right in their less than stellar track records of predictions.
Who here is shunned by family?
by Brummie inremember the watchtower that asked "are jws a cult?
" and then listed things that cleared it of the accusations of being such?
cant remember the date.. anyway one of the things it said was that "cults" usually have a lot of ex members testifying against it and the damage it has caused to their family lives.
I received my first official shunner last night, and Im wearing it as a badge of honour. I sent my letter removing myself from the toilet other wise known as the watchtower a few weeks back, and it looks as though they must have read my name off already. I say this as last night my brother walked passed me with his four year old boy, and shielded him from me like I was Jeffery Dalmer, and almost dislocated his neck turning the other way. I chuckled quietly to myself, and went on with my day. Yup, if she walks like a cult, and quacks like a cult, it is a cult.
Hello, I dont respond to most posts like this, but I just had to chime in here. I feel horrible for you, I know what you are feeling right now. Just try and use this pain you are feeling for your benefit. Jesus said that you will know his disciples by the love that they have among themselves. Was it Christ like love that was shown to you??????? Only you know. Act accordingly. Geddy.
I guess no one has kids then...
by Simon inthis forum is very quiet.. i guess all us with kids are kept too busy to post!.
we have two boys - liam (3) and dylan (1).
how about everyone else ?
Stan, You just have to post a picture of your little guy. He is one good looking fella. Plus it will give him great experiance being an apostobaby. Geddy
Do you still like your user name?
by JH inat first when we joined, we all choose a user name that would identify us.
we also had the choice of puting a picture next to our user name.
often, some change the picture for a better one.
Hey Stan, did you know the real Stan had a love affair going on for thirty years with Trudie Larose??
If You Weren't A Witness, What Would You Be Today?
by minimus inmany of us are or were witnesses because we were born into the religion.
others became witnesses because they really thought it was the truth.
so many wish that they never had a jehovah's witness come to their door or their parents' door.
Um probably, rich, well adjusted, with a happy healthy family.
40 Years of Mental Terrorism
by Dogpatch inpassing this on.... mental terrorism.
i am writing about a danger which is very real.
there are people, who may be grieving, who may be suffering from depression, who feel an emptiness, who feel a spiritual longing, who want hope in a world that seems hopeless, and others who are very vulnerable to this danger.
did it for you u raindrops, because your cool.
Edited by - geddylee on 6 January 2003 21:1:34
Watchtower lies through their teeth.
by GeddyLee ini just returned from some nice r@r in cancun mexico.
while i was their i had some time to go downtown to their municipal offices, and confront one of their officials face to face on whether the jehovahs witnesses were ever banned in their country.having read crisis of concsience , i have always been interested in finding out the truth of this matter for myself.
whether they were actually under a ban, or was it the watchtowers way of holding on to their real estate.
Here is the response I just received from the Mexican consulate. Again the witnesses were never under any ban as we were lead to believe. The witnesses were forbidden to worship properly because the watchtower leadership felt it was more important to retain ownership of their real estate.
Regarding your question:
Mexican constitution in its chapter 1, guarantees freedom of religion. Indeed, the 24th article of the constitution establishes that all people are free to profess the religious beliefs that her/he likes and practice all ceremonies and cult activities unless these violate the law. The Congress can neither establish nor abolish one religion. The religious acts should be celebrated in temples, otherwise should be under specific rules.
Mexican government had never banned Jehovahs Witness or any other religion group.
Hugo Rangel
Consulate of Mexico
Hello, I have a very important question that I really hope you can help me with. I am doing personal research on the Jehovahs witness group in Mexico, and I need to know whether the Mexican government ever had a ban on this group from worshiping in Mexico. I used to belong to this religion years ago, and was in Cancun in the early nineties, and went to a Jehovahs witness meeting, and we were told that we couldnt use our bibles, or sing hymns at this gathering because the Mexican government banned their worship. Since I have left this group , I have learned from different sources that the Witnesses were never banned in Mexico, but the leaders of the group said they were in order to keep their real estate they had there. I believe I was lied to by the witnesses, and would very much appreciate an answer to my question, as it would be a huge assistance to me. Thankyou in advance for your help with this matter, xxxxxxxxxx
Edited by - geddylee on 6 January 2003 15:30:16