My Dear Mary,
I have been an elder for almost 30 years, and I would have given you the following … explanation:
“You should know, my dear Mary, that the 12 tribes of Israel did not equate the 12 sons of Jacob.
If you don’t believe me, just take a map of the ancient Israel, and you will see the fact!
The twelve tribes are nothing else but the 10 sons of Jacob, excluding Joseph and Levi, plus … the two sons of Joseph, Manasseh and Ephraim. This makes up the twelve tribes of Israel! And why Joseph was privileged with “two portions” of the promised land, instead of the “one portion” secured by his 9 other brothers? Simply because, and you should know, that Ruben, Jacob first born, went to bed with the servant of his preferred wife, Rachel! In Israel, the first born had always a “double portion” of the heritage of the family, compared to his brothers. Since Ruben, Jacob first born through Lea, had committed immorality with his father’s concubine, the father has taken away the heritage of Ruben and given it to Joseph, who was the first born of his beloved wife, Rachel.
This heritage story is behind the “two portions” of the promised land given to the two sons of Joseph.
The 144’000 heavenly class is a “priestly” class, which did not have any territory in Israel, because they were dedicated entirely to the temple work, in the so called “presence of Jehovah”.
When Jesus addressed his disciples, telling them that they would be judging the 12 tribes of Israel, this simply meant that the “heavenly” priestly class of Levi, who represented Israel in its entirety, would be judging the rest of the sons of Joseph, now organized in 12 tribes.
You should recall, in this respect that, when the Israelites left Egypt, the first born of Egypt were destroyed by Jehovah’s angel, but the first born of Israel were saved. For this salvation, Jehovah asked for the first born of Israel to be his own possession. Because this would have represented an obvious problem (how to keep the first born for himself, once these would be dead?), Jehovah asked Moses to count the number of first born of the whole of Israel. As the Bible recalls, that number was basically the same as the number of people making up the tribe of Levi. Jehovah then accepted the deal, in exchange of all the first born of Israel, he would retain the entire tribe of Levi. This tribe was therefore separated for a sacred service, similar to the one performed by the class nearer to Jehovah, the heavenly class of the 144’000 anointed priests.
This is how, the Spiritual Israel, who is nearest to Jehovah’s service, represents the 144’000 anointed priest class.
The rest of the sons of Jacob, the 12 tribes, can therefore only represent the rest of the inhabitants who, at that time, were worshiping Jehovah at his temple, his heavenly temple. This is why they can only represent the rest of humanity who will be worshipping Jehovah in the New World, under the direction of the Spiritual Israel, the heavenly priestly class who will also act as judges.
In fact you should also remember that the priests in Israel were also those who judged the people at the city doors! This is why Jesus promised his disciples that they would be judging the 12 tribes of Israel, that is to say, the rest of the sons of Jacob, at the doors of the heavenly Jerusalem!”
How about that? You liked it?
And now here comes, the ex elder, pointing out one simple aspect, which destroys the whole beautiful picture given by the faithful elder above:
“Well my dear friend, I have a real problem with your complicated explanation.
You should know, as an elder, that the 144’000 class, according to 1 Peter 2:9, is not only a “priestly” class, but also a “royal” class!
In fact, we read in the Bible “But YOU are “a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for special possession, that YOU should declare abroad the excellencies” of the one that called YOU out of darkness into his wonderful light”
Now, if you so professionally have dissociated the tribe of Levi, on the ground that they were a “special possession” because of the priestly service they were performing in the temple, you should, by the same token, dissociated the “royal” tribe of Judah, who performed a special royal service.
If you do that, you end up with only … 11 tribes, which cannot be the same as the 12 tribes of Israel, Jesus was referring to in Matthew 18:29!
You better find another more acceptable explanation”
Hope you followed the intricate reasoning behind this stupid situation!
P.S. – if you want me, I can dream about the answer the faithful elder would give this stupid ex elder!!!