Topics Started by Nick!
Milan Italy Public Demonstration against ostracism practiced by the Watchtower.
by Nick! inmilan italy public demonstration against ostracism practiced by the watchtower.. .
two years after rome, yesterday december 1st, day by day, we were about 100 of us demonstrating on a public square in the center of milan, italy.. .
at about 10-11 a.m. many of us were already on the spot, installing our gazebo on the public square where we were granted authorization by the police and starting the distribution of about 4000 tracts to passersby in the surrounding squares, boulevards and streets exposing the watchtower for its teachings and instructions on discriminating those who decide to use their rights to walk away from this religious movement without to have to incur the ostracism imposed by the leadership.
HELP !!! Post on OPEN LETTER - Australia: NOT accessible anymore!!!
by Nick! inthe post about the open letter sent by the children of jw in australia to the governing body concerning the "working with children act 2005" is suddenly non accessible anymore.. has anybody any idea what happened?.
trying to access is through the search field takes you to the login screen, in spite of the fact that i am already logged in.. and if i try to login again, the screen turns back to the initial login screen again, and asks again for your id and password, although i can see that i am already logged in.. any help?.
has the wt complained about the letter and you were obliged to balnk it out?.
Court case against the WT in Belgium - NEW For discrimination
by Nick! incourt case against the wt in belgium.
you may recall that sometime ago i posted an information about it.. jacques lejeunes case, ex jw, who had won an appeal against the adverse second level judgment, will be heard for the last time in front of the mons court on october 18th.. this case is emblematic as it is the first time that the violation of human right against the wt will be heard.. jacques is determined to go to the european court of human rights if this last case will end up in favor of the wt.. whoever wants to join me in attending the trial in support of jacques is welcome.. believe that jacques deserves this support.. the case will be heard on october 18th at 2 p.m. and is planned to last 4 hours.
both jacques and the wt have already presented their memorandum which is available online on my website, but in french only.
European Court to favor the WT and condemns the French goverment
by Nick! inthis news was announced today on the journal "le monde":
unfortunately, the european court of human rights has just condemned the french government against jehovahs witnesses.
if you recall, the french state was claiming 23 million euro (abt 33 million us dollars) taxes on contributions received by the french watchtower during the years 1993-96, which, by now, had climbed to about 58 million euro (abt 83 million us dollars) counting interests and charges.. it is not easy to size the wt.
Jehovah's user profile ...
by Nick! injust had a hit googling "jehovah" and "port au prince" excluding temoins and witnesses and got 220'000 hits !!!.
just laughing my head off, one of them says:.
click yes on me!
Watchtower University as NGO at UN
by Nick! inaccording to this un link:
an entity called watchtower university, watchtower bible & tract society of pennsylvania, address 25 columbia heights was registered in 2010 as an ngo (?
) with the un.. anyone of you heard about this earlier?
"Disfellowshipping" versus "Disfellowshiping"
by Nick! in"disfellowshipping" versus "disfellowshiping .
both ways of spelling the word, the single p and the double p versions, seems to be correct.
looking up the word in the wt the 2010 lib cd-rom, i discovered that the watchtower magazine used, up to december 1981, the single p (269 times) version but since july 1982, privileged the double p (231 times) version.
Ostracism: anyone with legal background on this forum who could help?
by Nick! inhere in europe, we have started different initiatives aiming at exposing publicly and legally the watchtower on the subject of ostracism, discrimination and shunning.. in the past we have seen different manifestations held in front of kingdom halls or branch offices on issues such as pedophilia and blood transfusions policies, and even, such as in france, against building of real-estates.
now it seems that the issue of discrimination against disfellowshipped or dissociated people is gaining momentum.
we have seen the large demonstrations in brazil, and maybe the lesser important ones elsewhere.
ROME Demonstration against ostracism and shunning
by Nick! inon december 1st, a relatively large group of ex-jehovahs witnesses and supporters of human rights held a demonstration in front of the italian parliament in piazza montecitorio.. the manifestation sprung from the reaction of many of those who have been disfellowshipped or expelled by the governance of the jehovahs witnesses cult and who, following the instructions of the watchtower leadership, have been shunned not only by their ex worshipping fellows, but even by the members of their own family.. shunning is an old weapon used by the watchtower leadership against those who stop sharing their views on religious matters and if a demonstration was all that was required to alert the public opinion about it, then it should have been acted upon very long ago.. the reason why the demonstration took place now rather than in the past is because the italian parliament is about to approve a law which would grant the watchtower even more religious freedom and privileges than what it has enjoyed up to now, including the right to receive from the italian state their share of the 0.8% of the income tax revenue paid by the italian tax payers.. while jehovahs witnesses, as an organization, already enjoy a large amount of religious privileges in the country, they claim for themselves from the state the same rights granted to the catholic church and other recognized religious denominations.
but, contrary to those other religious movements, only jehovahs witnesses violate the human rights granted by the un charter, the european union charter and the italian constitutional rights by shunning those who decide to leave the movement, instructing their members to totally discriminate socially, secularly and even family wise, their ex members.. the objective of the demonstration last wednesday was to alert the public opinion about the issue and, because the place where it was held, alert the italian parliament about the law they are about to approve in favor of the watchtower.
the demonstration followed the hundreds of letters sent during the last three months by many ex jehovahs witnesses and other supporters of human rights, directly to individual members of the parliament or to the whole parliamentary commission for the constitutional affairs.. what can be said about the demonstration itself; was it a success or a failure?.