Excellent project, Middleman!
I started to read the long document. It is amazing how you have been able to put all this stuff together.
Now, if you don’t mind, as I am reading it, may I start asking questions about the statements made therein?
Maybe the comments exchanged would enable you to upgrade parts of it, or present some substantiating documentation, where needed.
May I start?
Here is the first question:
On page 17, on the UN issue, you made a statement concerning facts that have been “documented”, but it seems that the corresponding documentation is not featured in the .pdf document, and maybe you intend to include it at another time.
Here is what it says:
2. Mr. Gillies also said the sole (in English meaning only) purpose of the association was for
“getting access to the extensive library”.
This statement is not telling the full story either. It has been documented that after the WBTS
was granted association status, they were seen attending numerous UN
hearings/meetings/conferences that required a special ground pass. This pass is issued only to
the UN's associated members not just anyone. Two of the Bethel members that frequented these
UN sponsored events were W. L. Barry (Governing Body member) and Circo Aulicino. Now,
say I gave my friend a ride home from work and drop him off at his house. Before I leave, I ask
him to briefly use his bathroom and then I'm on my way. After using it he finds me sitting in his
family room eating his food, drinking his wine, playing his XBOX, and listening to music. How
does my credibly look to him after my extended “field trip”? Obviously I had ulterior motives
don't you think?
Do you have handy the referenced documentation?
It would be definitely impressive if one could include it in your .pdf file!
Thanks a lot for the hard work, and hope to hear from you on my above (first) question.