If your heading to Auckland give me a PM.
update from chch nz just in case anyone out there is interested .
we're still gettin kicked up the ass down here by some punchy aftershocks .
still coming at about 1 every 90 mins.
If your heading to Auckland give me a PM.
when i was first appointed i did, not me myself, but the body as a whole.
good group of spiritual men.
at first a pleasure to serve with them.
If they were spirit directed......
How come one Elder got appointed wile he was ripping off people??
He was an accountant for alot of brother & sisters and got cought for stealing millions .
He was made an elder while doing so!!!
i was a junior borgite in 1975. i remeber looking at the calendar at work in october and thinking: 'armageddon isn't here yet.....and it doesn't feel like it will be here anytime soon either!'.
i was surprised that jehovah hadn't obeyed the superior command to bring the big 'a' as instructed to him by fred franz.
how dare god disobey the jw leader!!!!!.
It's unbelavable that they deny they did'nt say the big A was comming in 1975.
I was at an Assembly in 1974 and GB mamber Leo Greenlies said "This is possably the last assembly this side if Armageddon"
So many watchtower And Awake articles predicted it.
Alot of the Elders around today were not around in 75 or if they were they deny it.
I liveded through it and saw 1st hand the histeria.
In 1977 when they were loseing members flat out Natthan Norr went around the world giveing speachers one of the things he said "In the highly unlikley event we see the year 2000''
i guess the witnesses are rejoicing over the death and destruction of the latest earthquake in n.z.as proof of the imminent coming of armageddon,and their deliverance into the "new world system of things" i can just see it now ,the kh`s in nz will be filled to overflowing in the next month,......then in six months later it will be back to the status quo.. p.s when jesus said their would be" earthquakes in one place after another" couldn`t he have identified these areas for the faithfull ?
so at least beleivers would have been spared the trauma ?
of course non beleivers would have suffered the consequences,but why should beleivers suffer also ?.
6.3 on the rictor scale.
The 1st one last september was 7.2 but this one was shallow so much more destruction.
I'm watching it on the news now.
can someone send me the new elders book in pdf or through a web link?
Can i have a copy as well please?
a few years ago, maybe 15, i was serving as a m/s.
we all went to a special meeting at the assembly hall about saving a certain kingdom hall in the hills.
anyone remember?.
There was an Australian Bro and anothe bro originaly from New Zealand that got cought up in some sort of scandle to do with a fuel addative.
The Nz guy was Johnson?
Had the bookstudy at my place for about 12 years.
I stopped haveing refreshments after becouse i got sick and tired of food being dropped and walked over in my carpet.
Once the conducter said after the bookstudy "It would be nice to have refreshments after next weeks study becouse this will be the last time we will be meeting togeather as the bookstudys are being moved around"
Saddly he did'nt ask me and next week when people turned up with plates of food i told them to put it back in there cars.
a former co elder visited my grandmother, who studied years ago with jws, and said he wanted to speak with me.
i da'd myself about two years ago from the org after 11 years.
i was an ms and pioneer for 8 years and the whole bit.
This coul'd be a whole diffrent story if he want's to come alone.
Usualy 2 of them come togeather.
My advice phone him and try to see what he realy wants,Maybe he's haveing doubts himself.
Nothing to loose.
announcement........ http://sixscreensofthewatchtower.com/upcoming.html.
we are all anticipating the return of the active bethelite ,johnny, who was hiding in a closet talking to us from the world headquarters of jehovah's witnesses.
link to jan.1,2011 call.... http://www.sixscreensofthewatchtower.com/conferencecall-1-1-11.html .
Jonny will be a no show as he's busy with the tooth fairy as he had some teath pulled by the GB who were interagating him!!!
jk666- the really sketchy years-part 4. a lot of what i am going to say here, is piecing together fragmented pieces of my memory.
i really was a good kid that fell into bad circumstances.. i was the fair haired boy in my congregation.
i was a true believer, even after that awful incident.
The brain has a way of blocking out bad experance's ,it's kinda like a protection.
Enjoying your storie's.