"Im on the highway to hell"
there are songs that we all think about and remember a certain time/moment.
right now the song runaway train is my song - this is how i've been feeling over the last year.... call you up in the middle of the night.
like a firefly without a light.
"Im on the highway to hell"
question to all those well versed in legal issues.
all jw's, when confronted with criticism, claim that apostates lie about the wt.
i always have wondered, given the litigious environment in which we live in western democracies, why the wts doesn't go after all those websites that publish so many "lies" about "the truth".. can this lack of action on the part of the wts be used as evidence of the truthfulness of the message in "apostate" sites such as jwfacts,.
Appart form the 1st ammendment getting in their way they are too scared to go into an open court were they can't close it down when it suits them.
righto, so who would like to get married?
i'm a great cook, good with kids, can clean and am currently in the process of losing weight.
in 6 months i'm good to go.
Loubelle look at New Zealand great place to live temperate climate.
in my old congro i think there might be 1 elder who was pre 75 no m.s's .. c.o's only 1 i know of.. .
karter.. .
phizzy: My interest is i was a young person in 75 i saw the whole pre 75 ....sell your house go preaching becouse the end is about to happen.
It didn't came and most of ther Elders,M.S's even the C/O's around now only have the WTS sanitazed verson of what realy happened.
Try to explane it to them and your called Apostate.
in my old congro i think there might be 1 elder who was pre 75 no m.s's .. c.o's only 1 i know of.. .
karter.. .
In my old congro i think there might be 1 Elder who was pre 75 no M.S's .
C.O's only 1 i know of.
back in 1973, when i was just a pre-teen, i remember that meetings in general were chock full of persecution talks, great tribulation talks and armageddon talks.
so much so, that there was a hightened sense of anticipation that the end was really just a few years away.
most j-dubs really believed, without any doubt, that freddy's estimation about armageddon in 1975 was a certainty (give or take a few months... not years).
Alot of the elders C.O's ect of today were not even around pre 75.
I was and clearly remember the talks at the KH and assemblys ect.
The WTS is at best "Date shy" these days never putting dates on anything....i guess they have been wrong so many times.
The answer is YES it's not up to the Elders to decide who calls on some strangers door.
Put it this way your wife starts a study with him and his wife and the children sit in and her husband finds out he is a child molester....go figure.
They should NOT be able to go from door to door....EVER!!!
The Elders seem to think it's up to them to decide who is fit to call on your door.
two that come to mind are.
my generation and.
won't get fooled again.
"Waisted days and waisted nites"....Freddie fender.
i haven't really thought of this but maybe you have knocked on some "famous" door.. i think the only one i can come close?
to is one of "the irish rovers" singer - song groups, but after he moved.. what about you?.
just lois.
There was a watchtower artical many years ago about 2 bro's calling in Sir Winston Churchill.
we had an old time jw pass away recently he lived his entire life lie the new system was going to be here tomorrow.. he was a gillard grad and went on to be missionry in west africa.. came back home when wife got pregent(they eventuly had 3 children) ,sold everything pre 75 to see the system out and pioneer then had to work his butt off to rebuild his finances and put a roof over his familys head.. he retired and became a co till his wifes health could no longer alow it.. he got a treminal illness and i wonder in his quiter moments did he think ....".ive lived my entire life for a dream that never came true".
he's only one of many i see,their lives comming to an end and the new system is no closer than it was when they started.. .
We had an old time JW pass away recently he lived his entire life lie the new system was going to be here tomorrow.
He was a gillard grad and went on to be missionry in west Africa.
Came back home when wife got pregent(they eventuly had 3 children) ,sold everything pre 75 to see the system out and pioneer then had to work his butt off to rebuild his finances and put a roof over his familys head.
He retired and became a CO till his wifes health could no longer alow it.
He got a treminal illness and i wonder in his quiter moments did he think ....".ive lived my entire life for a dream that never came true"
He's only one of many i see,Their lives comming to an end and the new system is no closer than it was when they started.