New Zealand.
for those of you who have travelled the world over, which country or city will you consider the place to live in the world.
New Zealand.
as atleast 65% of young ones are dropping out,are the j.w's getting older??.
in the inner city congro's were it is expensive to live there is not alot of young ones in the congro's there,seems the average in them is going up and up.. karter..
As atleast 65% of young ones are dropping out,Are the J.W's getting older??
In the inner city congro's were it is expensive to live there is not alot of young ones in the congro's there,seems the average in them is going up and up.
whether loved or hated her, you couldn't ignore her..
Designs,If you never approved of violence or terrorism you would never have approved of Bobby sands what he was doing ,He wanted to be recognized as a political prisoner not the terrest he was...personaly i think he improved the gene pool by takeing himself out of it.
Berengaria,Not Satire at all if she had not slashed goverment spending and done the reforms she did the UK would be just like the greeks now.
Bizzybee,Ok the 20th centery well the last bit of it anyway.
whether loved or hated her, you couldn't ignore her..
Love her or hate her you had to admire her ,she took no s***T from knowone and dragged Britten kicking and screaming into the 21st centery.
She would'nt back down to the trouble makeing unions who's endevour was to bring the country to it's knees.
She changed society so that the averadge working class person coul'd aspire to anything they wanted to be without being born into the rite class.
She would'nt negotiate with the I.R.A untill they aggreed to lay down their arms in her words "We don't negotiate with terrorists".
All in all i admired her however there will be those who admired her and those who will dance on her grave....if nothing else she was controversial.
One of her many quote's i injoyed was when she was being interviewed about Bobby Sands who was in the Maze prison on a hunger strike,When asked about it she said "He's going to get very thin then he's going to die".
R.I.P Margaret Thatcher.
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if they were able to win on this ground, they could get out completely (although it could still be appealed to the ca supreme court).
I can personaly testerfy that there is a child rapest who is an Elder of many years.
brothers would full on laugh at the c.o's lame jokes.
fight over who gets him for dinner where no expense would be speared..."oh they dont eat flour, sugars or milk products...".
I met some thoroughly decent C.O's and their wives and some that were shell we say not so decent.
The one that sticks out in my mind as being the BIGGEST A.H is Hans Hubler famous for stopping his talks and asking the attendents to remove
a crying baby.
The biggest brown noses when the C.O came around were the Bro's trying to move up the ladder....Oh and their wives.
red or white,domestic or imported,a good wine can really accent a fine of my favorite red wine`s is a bordeaux from france,b&g 1725.inspired by the barton&guestier tradition which dates back to 1725 in boudeaux,fondation 1725 is a dry fruity wine with a deep garnet colour and rich,lasting aromas.merlot and cabernet sauvignon grapes confer strong flavours of black currant,violet and is excellent with red meats,poultry and cheeses.i also like to use it for deglazing when making gravies or sauces.enjoy!!
the golden rule:the people with the gold, make the rule`s!
Any wine from New Zealand weather it be Sav blanc (worlds best) lovely charrdony,pinot gris.
Reds: Pinot nior,or any of the bordeaux blends .
there are songs that we all think about and remember a certain time/moment.
right now the song runaway train is my song - this is how i've been feeling over the last year.... call you up in the middle of the night.
like a firefly without a light.
"Im on the highway to hell"
question to all those well versed in legal issues.
all jw's, when confronted with criticism, claim that apostates lie about the wt.
i always have wondered, given the litigious environment in which we live in western democracies, why the wts doesn't go after all those websites that publish so many "lies" about "the truth".. can this lack of action on the part of the wts be used as evidence of the truthfulness of the message in "apostate" sites such as jwfacts,.
Appart form the 1st ammendment getting in their way they are too scared to go into an open court were they can't close it down when it suits them.
righto, so who would like to get married?
i'm a great cook, good with kids, can clean and am currently in the process of losing weight.
in 6 months i'm good to go.
Loubelle look at New Zealand great place to live temperate climate.